Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Alberti's S. Andrea in Mantua compared with vignola's Ges church in Research Paper
Alberti's S. Andrea in Mantua compared with vignola's Ges church in Rome - Research Paper Example the ancient Roman architecture of using decorations and monumental pieces of work for aesthetic value while at the same time maintaining the grandeur, yet the same was not the case with Vignola (Fazio et. al., 24). Not only did Vignola suppress the transepts, he shortened the naves in a bid to clear acoustics and sightlines. This would allow for easy visibility. Additionally, during preaching, the preacher would be clearly heard. The Gesu design was forward-looking since it was not so much exaggerated as the S. Andrea’s design. This is because the axes of the building were strongly emphasized. The elements were portrayed in three dimensions, especially on the west front. The Alberti’s faà §ade seems to have been his routine. It could be traced to his earlier works such as the Maria Novella, only that he used the classical orders to replace geometry-based subdivisions (Ching et. al., 17). In the Gesu design, there are pilaster pairs that step from planes that project forward until on both sides of the entrance, engaged columns are used to support a pediment, which is triangular. The triangular pediment is fixed using a segmental pediment through support of flanking pilasters. The interior designs of both works were plain. Perhaps, this is due to the fact that then not so much decoration was accorded to the church (Fazio et. al., 76). Their designs were a crucial guide to future architects and engineers and can be seen in most churches today. The St. Andrea faà §ade was the model adopted by many Roman churches. The distinctive features associated with the Classical Roman architecture kept changing over time. The purpose and forms of the buildings changed over time. The structures of the cities also later changed. Therefore, it can be argued that the faà §ade of the designs provided a guide to later builders. Both the Gesu and S. Andrea faà §ade have a symmetrical proportionality. They have a square appearance whose proportions are according to the module. The
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Art In Cinema Film Studies Essay
The Art In Cinema Film Studies Essay Film is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for educating or indoctrinating citizens. Film may be combined with performance art and still be considered or referred to as a film, for instance, when there is a live musical accompaniment to a silent film. The act of making a film can, in and of itself, be considered a work of art, on a different level from the film itself.. A road movie can refer to a film put together from footage from a long road trip or vacation. Intuitively, some films qualify as artworks and others do not. All film is art, though some of it is better art or higher art. This, it turns out, is not just a question for those with a special interest in film. It has interest for aesthetic value more broadly, because film can serve as a test case for definitions of art. Some theories of art seem too restrictive, because they prevent us from classifying certain films that are aesthetic masterpieces into th e category of art. The intentions of the creators in attaining status as art. Sometimes, however, creators do not conceive of their creations as primarily belonging to the class of artworks, but viewers come to recognize that they can be fruitfully regarded in this way. This is not to say that a work becomes art when its taken up by a art-consuming audience. A theory of that kind would face the difficulty of saying which audiences had the power of conferring art status. Moreover, audiences do not transform works into art, rather they discover that a works deserves to be regarded in that way. If this intuition is right, the key to understanding what makes a film count as art is what goes on in this discovery process. India is well known for its commercial cinema, better known as Bollywood. Almost every Indian is well versed with onscreen running around the trees singing songs, the fight sequences, twins meeting each other pachchees saal baad, topped with some dose of mush and lots and lots of spice. However there are other types of movies which focus purely on story- minus the masala. This genre is sometimes referred as Pheeka or Bina namak mirch wala (bland) kind of cinema. In addition to commercial cinema, there is also Indian art cinema, known to film critics as New Indian Cinema or sometimes the Indian New Wave. A true admirers of cinema and people who consider movie-making as an art call it the Offbeat or The Art House Cinema. Many people in India plainly call such films as art films as opposed to mainstream commercial cinema. From the 1960s through the 1980s, the art film or the parallel cinema was usually government-aided cinema. Such directors could get federal or state government grants to produce non-commercial films on Indian themes. Their films were showcased at state film festivals and on the government-run TV. These films also had limited runs in art house theatres in India and overseas. The Indian Art Cinema or the New Wave sometimes called has had a humble beginning. This genre doesnt boast of foreign locales, hopelessly expensive clothes or the big star cast. The sole strength of these kind of films is the story. The Indian Art Cinema has beautifully transformed and re-invented itself. From socially relevant topics of Child Marriage, Dowry, Female Foeticide, Widow Re-marriage to a simple love story. The Art film-makers have done it all. Its amazing to see how some of the very talented film-makers have gifted their audiences with some of their magnificent work. There is Shekhar Kapoor who beautifully told the story of a man struggling to make his illegitimate son a part of his family (Masoom) and we got one of the all time masala entertainers Mr India from the same director. The person who gave us Zubeida, Ankur and Manthan came up with something as entertaining as Welcome to Sajjanpur and the very recent Well Done Abba. The Gen-X today are more intelligent and open to a wide variety of topics. At the end of the day the purpose of the film and the audience should be served. The audience wants a good story and a really good way of putting it and thats what the film makers are supposed to do. Yes masala flicks are welcome but too much of masala can cause acidity! A good mixture of masala movies and intelligent cinema is what the audience wants. Brainless comedies work, but again not always. In this new context of art-house appeal to the mainstream, of limited box-office appeal is striking, if not, perhaps, inaccurate. On the other hand, general conceptions of art house have come to describe films simply on the basis of their production outside the Bollywood system, regardless of their status as conventional dramas or slightly offbeat comedies. Surely a film with a 30-crore budget, Bollywood stars, and wide release does not fit the standard art-house profile. And yet a documentary about global warming w ith art house written all over it-complete with its charisma-challenged star, Al Gore-enjoyed sold-out screenings at huge multiplex theaters across the globe. From the very inception of this genre, there has been a difference between art and commercial cinema. However with changing times this gap has been bridged. The themes of art movies have witnessed a change. The earlier trends in Indian Art movies were more specifically related to the Indian audience, while the recent incline is towards the global concept. Quite ideally therefore the Indian Art cinema has gradually emerged itself as a reflections of the happenings in the society. Now many of these Art Movies or small films are grossing major profits and competing for space at the big multiplexes as well as finding their audiences at the small cinemas devoted to specialty fare. What will be ideal is an exclusive chain national art house cinema multiplexes to mark the new era of these specialized cinema. The audiences today look out for good films rather than the serious or popular films. Hence once a while a multi-starrer movie bombs and a small budget movie like Aamir is much appreciated by the cine goers. The need for better subjects, the desire to watch something more feasible on the screen and the boredom that has set in with the regular candy floss cinema are some of the reasons for this apparent change. If this trend continues then the day is no far when there will be no commercial cinema or art cinema, but just good cinema and bad cinema. India is full of art and that is depicted in Indian movies. But a commercial or non commercial movie, both need art. Commercial movies need art in form of background, sets, getting a shot right. Both have got distinct way of describing art through movies. There are a number of genres and styles of Indian cinema that a viewer encounters, such as, romantic comedies, gangster films, horror films, westerns, melodramas, musicals and historical films. While some of these genres are present in Indian cinema, often as a consequence of the impact of the western films, the Indian filmmakers have also created some styles of their own, that are acknowledged as their own. This is clearly discernible in the popular tradition of filmmaking in India. The knowledge of Indian cinema provides an entry into the thought-worlds and performance-worlds to the people interested in this art. Many Indian film directors, right from the pioneers such as Dadasaheb Phalke to the modern ones like Yash Chopra, have deployed their creativity along with traditional forms of dance mime, folk classical music to enhance the communicated experience. Indian popular cinema has evolved into a distinctively Indian mode of entertainment by imaginatively amalgamating music dances also and the works of veteran directors like V.Shantaram. Guru Dutt and Raj Kapoor bear a testimony to this fact. So, through Indian cinema one can also enter the larger world of Indian aesthetics. Film makers like Ketan Mehta has made a movie on the life of 19th century painter Raja Ravi Varma named it as Rang Rasiya. Its a very artistic movie showing us the reality of the society in the 19th century. He had also directed Mangal pande which was againg very artistic from the sets to costume everything gave you the feel on the 18th century. Aushitosh Gowarikars Jodha Akbar is another epic story in which art played a very important role. To add on the list is devdas Sanjay Leela Bhansali did a brilliant job with art direction. Indian cinema has presented a detailed version of India from its different historical movies to its present scenario movies. The distinct genres of films depicted by the different filmmakers have helped in the study of India from a different and distinct angle of vision. Thus, one cannot help but realize the fact that indeed it has been the old traditions and the cultures that have actually framed the Indian cinema, which have been an encouragement to uplift India and make it one of the renowned countries in the world. By seeing the cultures and traditions of the distinct societies, people can examine their own country`s culture with fresh eyes and with a special vision and approach.
Friday, October 25, 2019
National Debt :: Argumentative Economy Economics Papers
National Debt I disagree with the resolution presented. I believe that the time has come for thegovernment to start taking some more drastic actions in order to alleviate the problem of theNational Debt. This resolution might have worked back when the dabt wasn't so massive, but at this point, I think that the only thing that will have any great effect is to start making some cuts. One of the biggest problems in dealing with the debt, by way of the budget, comes in theform of entitlements. Entitlements, the biggest of which beign Social Security, make up a majorportion of the national budget, and are completely left alone when it comes to discussing whereto make budget cuts. But it's very difficult to make cuts in Social Security, due to powerful lobbying groups such as the AARP. Many politicians don't want to anger such groups, becausethey make up a major portion of their constituency. Another problem area is charitable donationsmade by the government. There are many charities which recieve federal funding, and all of them feel that they should be exempt from cuts. But the government needs to take a stand andstart cutting from some fo these groups. One possibility could be taking an equal percentage from each group. So I oppose this resolution and favor other plans of attack, such as the Concord Coalition's "Zero Deficit Plan". The Zero Deficit Plan calls for cuts in entitlements, but not cuts in entitlements to those families who have an economic need for them. According to one of the Coalition's web page (http://www.texas.net/users/andyn/deficit/zdpent.html), "About one-fifth of entitlement benefits are provided according to economic need. These benefits should not be the target of deficit reduction.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay
The implementation of social networking sites has changed how the average person communicates with others. Studies show that the average person spends at least nine hours a week surfing and posting on social network sites (http://socialnetworking.procon.org/). In fact, using social networking sites has not only improved our communication skills, but has had a negative impact as well. One of the many pros and cons to communicating on a networking site is the ability to â€Å"stay connected.†When a student graduates, a loved one moves, or a career changes, everyone wants to keep up with people they have grown to care for. Being on a social networking site, you can â€Å"friend request†people you know to keep up with their day to day actions. This ensures we don’t miss out on parts of someone’s life where we want to be included. Increasing the communication you have with someone, even online, strengthens your relationship. Unfortunately, being able to â€Å"stay connected†has kept thousands connected in a less than personal way. Networking sites entice people to stay online and spend less face-to-face time with others. So, you may be connecting to friends and family, but you are being distracted by the time wasting activities and applications the site supplies. Your mother doesn’t really care if you reached level ten in t he Adventures of Indiana Jones on Facebook. She wants to know how you are doing in your classes at school. Read more: Essays on Social Networking Another way networking sites are affecting society is evident in the ability to find new people. Making new friends can be a wonderful thing. Consider the following scenario, you are interested in a certain musician and find their â€Å"page†on your networking site. On that same page are many others that have that common interest. Befriending these new people provides a new outlet for expression. A family member or friend may not like the same artist, but finding this new friend gives the ability to have someone to talk to about the subject. On the other hand, not all people surfing these sites that are looking for new friends are doing it for the right reasons. Artists and topics that attract a younger population give ample opportunity for predators to have access to the viewers. There is no way to know that the 15 year old girl you’ve become â€Å"besties†with is really a young girl, or if it’s really a pedophile looking for new prey. â€Å"In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site†(http://socialnetworking.procon.org/). Another example of how social networks affect society both positively and negatively is the ability to obtain information. Many networking sites created today are made for specific genres of people. Sites like LinkedIn.com and CafeMom.com have been created to help people with life issues such as finding new jobs or getting tips on breastfed babies. If a person is shy and has trouble meeting that â€Å"special someone,†they can go to a networking site such as MeetUp.com. Sadly, not everything that is posted on these sites can be verified. Most sites, like the match-making sites, have no way to verify that the person posting on their site is them. An older, obese person can post a picture of a younger, thinner person to try and get a match. The site itself does not know that the picture posted is actually the person posting it. So, when the â€Å"date†shows up expecting person A, they are angry or upset that they meet person B, the real person, and bullying, fighting, or worse occurs. Too much false information is passed along the internet, and a large percent of it is done via networking sites. Overall, social networking sites can’t wholly be praised or put down for being â€Å"bad.†Being able to stay connected, make new friends, and get information via these sites has its pros and cons. No matter what changes are made, there will always be those that say the sites are good for our society, and those that say the dangers outweigh the benefits. References: Are social networking sites good for our society? (2012). Retrieved from http://socialnetworking.procon.org/
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Platos theory of justice Essay
Finding these two phrases, however, is hardly enough to get a clear sense of what justice is. Plato offers two main analogies to examine the definition of justice. The division of parts in the soul as well as the parts of the state; We would now examine the structure of the soul. The soul is divided into three parts, the appetitive, spirited and the rational. By the account of the parts of the soul we are shown how a soul has different wills, yet in order for a soul to stay in the just path it must have some sort of hierarchy. Plato describes the spirited part as the courageous ally of the rational part which has the control over the appetitiveve part. The state is also divided into three types of people, the workers, soldiers and the rulers. It is obvious that that sort of division seems awkward when placed over our own capitalist society. We must keep in mind that in the republic that Plato is describing each individual is directed by vast education and the utmost care towards the work he could do with excellence. The children in the republic are separated from their parents at birth and therefore get the same equal chance of becoming workers or rulers without any prejudice regarding their upbringing or family background, rather, they are evaluated personally, purely according to their natural qualities. The division of people into pre-determined types in the state is assumed to be done truthfully, according to their natural abilities. To soldiers who cannot understand what possessing wisdom means (because they lack it) or to workers that lack both courage and wisdom, Plato uses the â€Å"noble lie†. That is the idea that mother nature creates people out of three materials, gold, silver and bronze when obviously the golden people are fit to rule, the silver are fit to guard and the bronze are best naturally fitted to work. Both the accounts have a similar structure, Plato claims that justice is the same in the soul and in the state. The resemblance suggests that both the workers and the appetitive share the virtue of moderation for they have to be moderate in their desires. Both the guardians and the spirited share the virtue of courage in order to guard the whole. Finally, both the ruler and the rational share the virtue of wisdom in order to control the workers and the appetitive, with the help of the guardians/spirited, all in one goal that is the good of the whole state/soul. What Plato claims is that a king could rule in a just manner, therefore maintain justice, only if he has knowledge of the true form of justice. That is, true knowledge of the forms. The forms represent the ultimate truth, the way things really are in a more knowledgeable sight then the one offered by science. Once acquiring this knowledge of the forms, and only then, can a ruler be fit to rule in a wise manner for he is abl e to truly put the interest of the whole as his own. Thus, ruling in a manner where justice exists and is carefully preserved. In his theory of justice, Plato defines justice in the two ways we have examined earlier. Supporting those definitions by the parts in the state and the soul and their interaction. The way justice should be is shown clearly both in the state and n the soul and then comes the claim regarding the philosopher-king which is the only combination of a ruler that is fit to rule both in the sense of a just state or a just soul. Critical analysis of platos theory of justice: 1.It lays great stress on duties and has no regard for rights. 2.It divides the society into three classes which is impossible now. 3.Platos unity through uniformity is not stable. 4.It is rigid as it is based on functional specialisation and one man one work throughout life. 5.It stands for non-interference but it is impossible for a ruler not to interfer in the affairs of the subject. 6.Platos justice with communism of property and wives ignore the fundamental human psychology.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Joseph Grand The Plague by Albert Camus
Joseph Grand The Plague by Albert Camus In this paper, I would like to discuss such character of Camus’ novel The Plague as Joseph Grand. Although it is too early for me to advance any far-fetched arguments, I can say that Joseph is very much similar to Sisyphus; he becomes accustomed to the routine nature of daily life, and his existence reminds us of Sisyphus’ attempts to roll a rock to the top of the mountain.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Character of Joseph Grand in The Plague by Albert Camus specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Albert Camus creates this character to show that the majority of modern people do not strive for intellectual or spiritual development, while focusing on the material side of their lives. If they do decide to make a difference to their existence, their attempts are usually very superficial. Another purpose which Grand serves is to prove that as a rule people do not search for good qualities within themselves, a nd only a sudden misfortune can force them to do it. In order to elaborate this argument, I need to discuss the behavior of this man, his relations with others and, most importantly, those expectations, he sets for himself. At first, one has to show how the author describes this person. Camus points out that â€Å"ambition was not the spur that activated Joseph Grand†¦ All he desired was the prospect of a life suitable insured on the material side by honest work†(Camus, 56). This indicates that he was quite content with his status in community and the quality of his life. In part, this lack of ambition explains why he has served his entire life as a clerk and why his wife left him. It should also be noted that Grand also attempts to write a book, most probably, a novel. However, he never even finishes the first line of this alleged masterpiece. In his defense, Conrad says that he struggles to find the most suitable words and phrases for this novel and this perfectionism prevents him from progressing further. At this point, an attentive reader has to ask oneself a question whether this behavior can ascribed only to perfectionism or to something else, for instance to the fear of a making a mistake, laziness, and reluctance to take risks. He changes his lifestyle only when the epidemic of plague breaks out in the town. This calamity helps Joseph to rediscover the traits of which he was unaware before, namely, fortitude and resolution. He is seen by others as the â€Å"embodiment of quiet courage†that raises the spirit of other people (Camus, 100).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More During the plague, he stops being a Sisyphus, engaged in senseless labor. He becomes a person who realizes that his life must not be spent in vain. At the very end, we learn that Joseph resumes the work on his novel, but we do not know for sure whe ther he has ever completed the first line. The author leaves it for the readers to decide whether Joseph Grand is a changed man, who can take initiative and responsibility for his actions, or he is the same Sisyphus, who is more content with the safety of daily routine. It is quite difficult to determine how this novel would have looked like without him. Most likely, the plot of The Plague would have remained unchanged, yet the impression, produced by this literary work would have been different. The thing is that Joseph Grand embodies the strengths and weaknesses of modern people, including their aspirations, fears, and prejudices. Again, this character proves an idea that people usually do not attempt to change for the better on their own accord, unless there is a powerful external stimulus. This is why the character of Joseph Grand is important to this novel. Camus Albert. The Myth of Sisyphus. 1955. Available at: nyu.edu/classes/keefer/hell/camus.html Camus Albert. The Plague. BookEden, 1967.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Rising Tuition essays
Rising Tuition essays Many parents can remember a time when they could easily work their way through university with a decent summer job. Student loans were available to make up for any shortfall, and they came with generous grants. Paying those student loans off when they finished school was easier then, simply because the amounts were not nearly as large as they are today. Too many of todays parents with young children have been lulled into a false sense of security by counting on their own generations experience; false because significant changes have taken place over the last decade. Tuition fees have risen dramatically, out-pacing inflation, as government funding has drastically been cut back. The cap has been taken off many professional degree programs and the universities can now charge what the market will bear. The cost of a typical four-year university education in Ontario has more than doubled in the last ten years. In addition, new fees have been implemented through students union, athletic and health service costs, plus the introduction of new registration, stu dent services or undergraduates fees. As a result, student debt loads have been spiralling, doubling over the last decade, and enrolment rates of young people from lower socio-economic groups are rising far slower than middle and upper groups. Continued public under-funding is eroding the accessibility and equality at post-secondary institutions in Ontario. The failure of both levels of government to adequately invest in post-secondary education holds dire consequences for Ontarios, and Canadas, economic and social future. Governments must recognize the renewed public investment in post-secondary education is an economic and social imperative. The Conservative government in Ontario has slashed post-secondary education funding and jacked up tuition fees, limiting access to colleges and universities at a time when many employers demand a post secondary d...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Cantabrian War
Cantabrian War Dates: 29/28-19 B.C. Rome won the Cantabrian War, in Spain, during the rule of the first emperor, Octavian, who had recently earned the title by which we know him, Augustus. Although Augustus brought troops from Rome to the battlefront and unintentionally brought about victory, he had retired from battle when victory was achieved. Augustus left a stepson and a nephew, the aediles Tiberius and Marcellus, to hold the victory celebration. He also left Lucius Aemilius to serve as governor when he returned home. The victory celebration was premature. So was Augustus closing of the Janus gates of peace. While I may have aroused your curiosity, this war is not one of the more popular ones for study. As the great 20th century, Oxford-based, Roman historian Ronald Syme wrote: It is in no way surprising that the Spanish War of Augustus should have commanded so little attention in modern times; and it might well be asked how far such a subject can repay study. In comparison with the wars in Germany and Illyricum, with the momentous vicissitudes of the frontier policy of Augustus, the subjugation of Northwestern Spain seems dull and tedious.The Spanish War of Augustus (26-25 B. C.)Ronald SymeThe American Journal of Philology, Vol. 55, No. 4 (1934), pp. 293-317 The 4th-5th-century Christian historian Paulus Orosius [The Seven Books of History Against the Pagans] says that in 27 B.C., when Augustus and his right-hand man Agrippa were consuls, Augustus decided it was time to subdue the border-raiding Cantabri and Astures. These tribes lived in the northern part of Spain, by the Pyrenees, in the province of Gallacia. In his 2010 Legions of Rome: The Definitive History of Every Imperial Roman Legion, Australian writer Stephen Dando-Collins says when Augustus headed from Rome to Spain, he took some of his Praetorian Guard with him, members of which he later gave land from the conquered territory. Augustus was embarrassed by his inability to clinch the battle, became ill, and retired to Taracco. The legates left in charge of the Roman legions in the area, Antistius and Firmius, won surrender through a combination of their skill and the enemys treachery the Astures betrayed their own people. Dando-Collins says the Cantabrian forces had resisted the type of battle formation Rome preferred because their strength lay in fighting from a distance so they could hurl their weapon of choice, the javelin: But these peoples would neither yield to him, because they were confident on account of their strongholds, nor would they come to close quarters, owing to their inferior numbers and the circumstance that most of them were javelin-throwers....Cassisus DioFor extended passages from Cassius Dio and others on the Cantabrian War, see Sources. Augustus Departure Leads to Over-Confidence The tribes successfully avoided being roped into other types of engagements until Augustus retired to Taracco. Then, believing Augustus had given up, they felt superior to the legates. So they allowed themselves to be drawn into the Roman-preferred, set-piece battle, with consequences disastrous to them: Accordingly Augustus found himself in very great embarrassment, and having fallen ill from over-exertion and anxiety, he retired to Tarraco and there remained in poor health. Meanwhile Gaius Antistius fought against them and accomplished a good deal, not because he was a better general than Augustus, but because the barbarians felt contempt for him and so joined battle with the Romans and were defeated.Cassisus Dio Victorious, Augustus gave two of the legions the honorary title of Augusta, becoming the 1st and 2nd Augusta, according to Dando-Collins. Augustus left Spain to return home, where he closed the Janus gates for the second time in his reign, but the fourth time in Roman history, according to Orosius. Caesar carried away this reward from his Cantabrian victory: he could now order the gates of war to be barred fast. Thus for a second time in these days, through Caesars efforts, Janus was closed; this was the fourth time that this had happened since the founding of the City.Orosius Book 6 Cantabrian Treachery and Punishment Meanwhile... the surviving Cantabrians and Asturians, according to Dando-Collins, acted as they had done repeatedly before, with trickery. They told governor Lucius Aemilius they wished to give the Romans gifts in token of their acceptance of the Romans and asked him to send a sizable number of soldiers to transport the gifts. Foolishly (or without the advantage of hindsight), Aemilius obliged. The tribes executed the soldiers, starting a new round. Aemilius renewed the fighting, won a devastating victory, and then removed the hands of the soldiers he defeated. Even this wasnt the end of it. Again, according to Dando-Collins, Agrippa faced rebel Cantabrians slaves who had escaped and returned to their mountainous homes and those of their countrymen they could persuade to join them. Although Florus says Agrippa was in Spain at an earlier date, Syme says he didnt get there until 19 B.C. Agrippas own troops were getting on and were tired of fighting. Although Agrippa won the round of anti-Cantabrian fighting, he wasnt happy about the way the campaign had gone and so declined the honor of a triumph. To punish his less than competent troops, he demoted a legion, probably the 1st Augusta (Syme), by stripping it of its honorary title. He captured all the Cantabrians, executed the military aged men and forced all the mountain folk to live down on the plains. Rome experienced only minor difficulties afterward. It was only in 19 B.C. that Rome could finally say it had subjugated Spain (Hispania), ending the conflict that had started about 200 years earlier during the conflict with Carthage. Roman Legions Involved (Source: Dando-Collins): 1st Legion2nd Legion (later the 2nd Augusta)4th Macedonia5th Alaudae6th Legion (later the 6th Victrix)9th Hispana10th Gemina20th Legion Governors of the Spanish Provinces (Source: Syme) Tarraconensis (Hispania Citerior) Lusitania (Hispania Ulterior) 27-24 C. Antistius Vetus24-22 L. Aemiliusor L. (Aelius) Lamia22-19 C. Furnius19-17 P. Silius Nerva26-22 P. Carisius19 ? L. Sestius Next: Ancient Sources on the Cantabrian War The sources on this war are confusing. I have followed Syme, Dando-Collins and then the sources, as much as possible, but if you have corrections to make, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Complex SQL Benefits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Complex SQL Benefits - Research Paper Example (2) It would be very difficult to incorporate â€Å"Driver Performance by Month†in parallel with Month of Customer’s total shipments/weights in the Customer Summary Report, especially when different months appear in both tables. (3) A typical SQL Statement will have to be written determining/rating the drivers’ performance on the basis of # of manifests on time and/or delivered late. It involves calculation + IF and THEN conditions statements I understand that the Driver Table may be created on a need basis because the purpose of this table is to get the status of Drivers’ Performance, which is also being recorded/saved into the permanent Customer File. I feel â€Å"Driver Performance by Month†in the Customer File is against the concept of table normalization because the drivers’ performance is nothing to do in the Customer Table carrying customers’ transactions.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Alternative medical practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Alternative medical practice - Essay Example The term has been in vogue since the last decade of last century and since then it has been gaining momentum in different patterns (Ockler, 2007). The overall concept has been to familiarize the concept to the masses, familiarize them to the benefits of overall project and provide them with potential guidelines how they may benefit from the entire idea and concept. The documentary explains number of experiences by the people and their approach and acceptability towards the new trend. The documentary focuses on number of people who has had a history of different kinds of problems in form of allergies and other problems. To the alternative fix pattern, the remedy to the allergy is found and suggested in form of bee pollens which can provide a possible solution to the allergies. The video/ documentary focus on the observation, and experience of the senator Tom Harkin who shares his experience and overall views about the entire idea and tells about the positive impacts of alternative fix against all the heavy dose schemes and medicines which are conventionally and other wise taken up by the patients in cases of allergies and other skin and health related issues. All these measures led to the exploration and development of N.C.C.A.M and over period of time it has gained massive support from all over along with the funds being donated in abundance from all corners. The entire budget stands at over a hundred billion dollars, which is invested into multiple projects such as further research, medical treatments, scientific research and various other alternatives and options which may be useful in helping the people in one way or other and in a more affordable and cheaper way. With less than 15 years under its belt (Peterson & Arcangelo, 2006)), the overall idea and project is going at a highly effective rate and has provided dividends in many forms. It is being estimated that around 20 percent of the hospitals in the
The importance of history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The importance of history - Essay Example Sports teams often analyze the previous performance history of the opponents before preparing themselves for the coming matches. History can also help politicians in deciding about the relationship of a country with other countries. â€Å"When you understand history, you understand basic concepts and ideas. You will learn about cause and effect, relationships and human nature†(Chin, n. d). At present we have enough knowledge about what is electricity or what is energy. We are indebted to the efforts of ancient scientists for our current knowledge about these things. Same way histories give us important lessons about the past which will help us to make conclusions while facing similar situations at present. History gives us the idea about the hierarchy of all the natural events happening in this world. For example, history helps us to understand at what time the monsoon comes or at what times the weather or season changes. In short, history plays an important role in shaping e very aspect of present and future human life on earth. During the initial half of twentieth century, Mahatma Gandhi succeeded in getting freedom to his country India from the colonial rules of Britain through peaceful means. The core philosophy of his freedom struggles was the theory of non violence which motivated other leaders like Nelson Mandela later in the history.
Occupational Safety and Health Act Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Occupational Safety and Health Act - Assignment Example These violations are punishable in a different manner and it is the duty of the regulator to ensure certain standards are achieved and recommend in instances where the laws are violated. As much as the laws were enacted to protect workers there is need to focus on the views of the employers. The private sectors argument on the bureaucracy surrounding the OSH act is unjustified. There is need to focus on the need for regulation. Regulations in any industry are meant to set standards to be attained by players within the industry. The regulations under the act are responsible for the current rights and freedom enjoyed by the workers within a given industry. The regulator, in any case, should a neutral in order to ensure a fair platform where those offended or affected can seek justice. In this case failures by the employers to regulate themselves have invited the government under the OSHA to set standards to be followed by the employers. The laws are aimed to ensure a safe working space. The employees should be secure in their respective workstation. The ancient practice by the employees has been the thing of the past. The number of deaths and work-related injuries has reduced drastically. The push for the occupational safety and Health act was triggered by the working conditions under which the employees were subjected to. The pre-OSHA era was characterized by employers who were interested in profit making rather than workers safety. The private sector failures to ensure safety amongst its workspaces prompted the initialization of the OSHA act. The argument should be on what alternatives the private employers have to ensure the workers are safe. The lack of alternative measures indicates how action by the private employers triggered the act being signed in 1970. The hefty fines under the act are measures to ensure the rules are followed adequately.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Maternal bonding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Maternal bonding - Essay Example According to Sosa (1980, pg. 1), â€Å"The human maternal infant bond starts early in pregnancy, has a tendency to strengthen as the child grows older and is affected by numerous factors (see Figure 6). At the present time, data to support the existence of a sensitive period in the human species are inconclusive. Although a majority of mothers feel a sense of belonging to their infants immediately after birth, in some mothers this sense of intimacy commences at a later time. McFarland has pointed out that normal women become attached to their infants at different intervals of time: 41% during pregnancy, 24% at birth, 27% during the first week of life, and the remaining 8% after the first week of life.†The behavior of mothers is influenced by a number of factors. These can include, but are not limited to, the way in which the mother was raised, social and economic conditions, cultural beliefs, parental relationships with the mother’s own parents, and pregnancy experiences to date. The human baby is unable to care for himself, unlike many other animal species. This means that it is up to the mother to extensively care for her infant in order for it to survive. Thankfully, both the mother and the baby have been shown in studies to be ready to interact shortly after birth. Furthermore, the human infant has been shown to be able to interact socially and have far more other abilities than what was previously thought. For instance, the human infant has been shown to interact with his mother via visual and audio stimuli, such as eye contact and turning the head towards the breast (Sosa, 1980). The cultural and traditional beliefs in the area in which a mother resides can influence the behavior between her and her infant. Most cultures consider the birth of an infant a happy event and accept it as a regular part of life. Furthermore, studies show that mothers and babies remain close throughout both infancy and early childhood. Even throughout
Why was there a considerable delay to the introduction of universal Essay
Why was there a considerable delay to the introduction of universal suffrage in France - Essay Example This section will provide detailed description about the Napoleon laws that promoted women subordination, the French political attitude towards women’s rights to vote, civil rights activists’ involvement, the role of the fight for power in the delay, and eventually, the change in French law that allowed women to vote and contend for official positions (Ringen, 2009; Reynolds, 2002). Women may have been subordinated in France before, but the Napoleon’s Civil Code of 1804 reinforced this subordination. Even after their rights were expressed in previous years, this law meant that they would still not be allowed to vote. This went on until 1890s when women’s rights activists became stronger in advocating for the women’s rights. This was when the stained political minds were heard (Boxer, 1982; Reynolds, 2002). This section will describe in detail how the above factors led to the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Maternal bonding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Maternal bonding - Essay Example According to Sosa (1980, pg. 1), â€Å"The human maternal infant bond starts early in pregnancy, has a tendency to strengthen as the child grows older and is affected by numerous factors (see Figure 6). At the present time, data to support the existence of a sensitive period in the human species are inconclusive. Although a majority of mothers feel a sense of belonging to their infants immediately after birth, in some mothers this sense of intimacy commences at a later time. McFarland has pointed out that normal women become attached to their infants at different intervals of time: 41% during pregnancy, 24% at birth, 27% during the first week of life, and the remaining 8% after the first week of life.†The behavior of mothers is influenced by a number of factors. These can include, but are not limited to, the way in which the mother was raised, social and economic conditions, cultural beliefs, parental relationships with the mother’s own parents, and pregnancy experiences to date. The human baby is unable to care for himself, unlike many other animal species. This means that it is up to the mother to extensively care for her infant in order for it to survive. Thankfully, both the mother and the baby have been shown in studies to be ready to interact shortly after birth. Furthermore, the human infant has been shown to be able to interact socially and have far more other abilities than what was previously thought. For instance, the human infant has been shown to interact with his mother via visual and audio stimuli, such as eye contact and turning the head towards the breast (Sosa, 1980). The cultural and traditional beliefs in the area in which a mother resides can influence the behavior between her and her infant. Most cultures consider the birth of an infant a happy event and accept it as a regular part of life. Furthermore, studies show that mothers and babies remain close throughout both infancy and early childhood. Even throughout
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Intelligence Community Organization Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Intelligence Community Organization - Coursework Example errorism Prevention Act of 2004 that lead in the creation of the office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) influencing in the birth of the current structure of the Intelligence. The U.S. Intelligence Community consists of 17 agencies that encompass the Intelligence Community itself. The paper describes the structure of the U.S. Intelligence Community and further illustrates whether its meeting its primary purpose. The structure of the U.S Intelligence Community consists of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) at the top, headed by the director of national intelligence (DNI); who is the principal intelligence adviser to the president. In addition, he guides other senior personnel such as the National Security Council (NSC), the Homeland Security Council (HSC) as well as leading the other 16 agencies that includes Intelligence Community (IC). According to Aldrich & Rawnsley(2013), the main agenda of the IC involves directing and coordinating the National foreign intelligence activities of the U.S. government. The principal deputy director is the second in command after the DNI then followed by four deputy directors that are responsible for the leadership in their specialized areas: office of the Deputy Director for Policy, Plans and Representatives, Office of the Deputy Director for Collection, Deputy Director for Analysis and Deputy Director for Future Capabilities (Freedman, 2014). The ODNI serves as the central Intelligence Community but all the other bodies are interconnected with the ODNI and with each other at different levels. Logan (2010) illustrates that each agency has been entitled to work independently at its own capacities and focus on area of duty but together as a unit to protect the national security. Other agencies include the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); it is an independent agency known as the America’s spy Agency, involved in collection, analyzes and disseminates intelligences about foreign nations. The Federal
Monday, October 14, 2019
Determination of Vitamin C Concentration by Titration
Determination of Vitamin C Concentration by Titration Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is a necessary nutrient in the human diet. Fruit juices are among the most common consumer items taken to meet our daily requirements of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C can be determined in food by use of an oxidation-reduction reaction. The redox reaction is preferable to an acid-base titration because a number of other species in juice can act as acids, but relatively few interfere with the oxidation of ascorbic acid by iodine. This method determines the vitamin C concentration in a solution by a redox titration with potassium iodate in the presence of potassium iodide. The excess iodine is back titrated with thiosulfate (S2O32-). Starch solution is used as indicator. Iodide ions reduce iodate ions producing iodine in an amount equivalent to the iodate. The principal reactions involved are shown by the following equations. Generation of iodine: IO3- + 5I- + 6H+ → 3I2 + 3H2O Titration of iodine with thiosulfate: I2 + 2S2O32- → 2I- + S4O62- The reaction of iodine with ascorbic acid is shown in the following equation: C6H8O6 + I2 → C6H6O6 + 2I- + 2H+ Ascorbic acid is oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid EXPERIMENT Apparatus burette (50 mL), volumetric flasks (250 mL, 100mL), beaker (400 mL), pipette ( 10 mL, 25 mL), Erlenmeyer flasks (250mL) Reagents oxalic acid, C2H2O4.2H2O, potassium iodate KIO3, sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate, Na2S2O3.5H2O, sulfuric acid, H2SO4, potassium iodide, KI, starch indicator solution (2% w/v in distilled water), apple juice Preparation of Na2S2O3 and KIO3 solution Na2S2O3.5H2O and Na2CO3 were weighed 1.8613 g and 8 mg respectively to prepare exactly 250 mL of 0.03M sodium thiosulfate solution. Dilution of 0.25 g KIO3 in 250 mL volumetric flask was done. Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate 2 g of KI and 10 mL of 0.6M H2SO4 were added into 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask after 25 mL of KIO3 was pipette. This solution was titrated with sodium thiosulfate solution until the initial brown color of the solution turns to pale yellow. 2 mL of starch indicator was added and the titration was completed at the disappearance of the blue color. Titration was repeated 2 times. Preparation of sample 0.1 gm of oxalic acid was added into 50 mL of apple juice after it was pipette then the sample juice was diluted in a 100 mL volumetric flask. Titration of sample 2 g of KI and 10 mL of 0.6M H2SO4 were added into Erlenmeyer flask after 25 mL of KIO3 and 25 mL of diluted sample were pipette. The solution was titrated with standard Na2S2O3. 2 mL starch indicator was added just before the end point. The titration was repeated 2 times. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The molar concentration of standardize solution and vitamin c studied are shown in summary data report sheet and the all calculations are shown in appendixes. Volumetric analyses based on titrations with reducing or oxidizing agents are very useful for many determinations one of the example is iodometry titration. It was performed using visual indicator that is starch indicator to determine the end point. Starch forms a not very reversible complex with I2 that is a very dark-blue color. The color reaction is sensitive to very small amounts of iodine. Iodine is a moderately strong oxidizing agent and a weak reducing agent. When an excess of iodide is added to a solution of an oxidizing agents, I2 is produced in an amount equivalent to the oxidizing agent present. This I2 can therefore, be titrated with a reducing agent and the result will be the same as if the oxidizing agent were titrated directly. The titrating agent used is sodium thiosulfate. The oxidizing agent not directly titrate with the thiosulfate because strong oxidizing agents oxidize thiosulfate to a oxidation states higher than that of tetrathionate. The end point is detected with starch. The starch is not added in the beginning of the titration when the iodine concentration is high. Instead, it is added just before the end point when the dilute iodine color becomes pale yellow. The reason for using acid is that reactions between many oxidizing agents and iodide are promoted by high acidity. Sodium thiosulfate solution is standardized iodometrically against a pure oxidizing agent that is KIO3. from the volume of titrant used to titrate the primary standard, the molar concentration of the titrant can be calculated. The calculations that involve in these data are base on volumetric analysis which consists of titration and standard solution that means need stoichiometric calculations. The data of standardization of thiosulfate in term of volumes sodium thiosulfate have low accuracy because the differentiation between readings quite obvious compare to volumes of sodium thiosulfate in determination of vitamin C. The data of the experiment is compared to the true data. The true data state that the content of vitamin C mg per 100 mL is 15 mg but in the experiment is 0.8096 mg / 100 mL. This is because the vitamin C is decompose by heat. The diluted sample is prepared too earlier. There are several errors that might be occurred in this experiment. One of that is systematic error which means error in burette reading. The sources of systematic error consists of three types ; instrument error, method error, and personal error. Personal error occurred to the operator of equipment especially in sensitivity in color changes. For example in this experiment the color changes involve is brownish to pale yellow. Whereas the method error occurred when the reaction does not complete. Even the instrument also can cause the error especially when the end of burette and pipette are blocked by something. Instrument errors can minimize by good maintenance of equipment. To observe the color changes when do titration in analyte put the plain white paper at the bottom of conical flask. When taking burette reading always read at the meniscus and the reading of pipette as well. The error in data can be overcome by applying statistical tests on data for example find the standard division and mean. To apply this test carries out replicate measurements. In this experiment we do triplicate. CONCLUSION The molarity of KIO3 is 4.6728 x 10-3 M. The molarity of standardize thiosulfate is 0.0278 M and the content of vitamin C in mg/100 mL is 0.8096.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Arthur Millers The Crucible Essay -- Essay on The Crucible
Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible' The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, is a tragic story of injustice suffered by an innocent community who are subjected to the hypocritical, prideful judges of their trial. These Judges use their power to eliminate evidence of their mistakes and return their community to puritanical ways. The leaders of Salem are not concerned with seeking the truth and justice, but with maintaining their authority and reputations; this objective leads them to consistently rejecting truth, against all logic and evidence of their senses. The symbols of truth portrayed throughout the play are exhibited through a handful of innocent hearted characters in the book such as Elizabeth Proctor. Her virtues of dignity and honesty are evident in the ways she calmly argues against Danforth and Hale’s accusations hat she is somehow involved in witchcraft. Although she nearly contradicts herself as a symbol of truthfulness when she lies about John’s adultery; it is very admirable to try to protect her husband, and she understands later when he recants. This is an example of her ability to grasp the wider issues of morality. Rebecca Nurse is the epitome of morality a woman known to have great wisdom and compassion. Her moral character is evident in her adamant refusal to not sign a confession. When Rebecca is brought into the room where John Proctor is about to sign a confession her aura of morality and sensibility moves him to take a stand for integrity and follow...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Role of Religion in Italian, Greek, and Turkish Politics Essay exam
The Role of Religion in Italian, Greek, and Turkish Politics Problems with format Italy ?Prior to the mid-20th century, Catholicism was Italy's state religion; however, a new Constitution in 1947 changed this (2).? Article 7 of this Italian Constitution declares that the "State and Catholic Church are, each within their own reign, independent and sovereign" (9).? Articles 8 and 19 later provide freedom of religion for all Italian citizens (9).? However, most Italians continue to align themselves with the Catholic Church, as an estimated 85 percent are nominally Roman Catholic (2).? The country's second largest religion has just recently become Muslim with an estimated 700,000 people aligning themselves with this religion (2).? Other major religions recognized in Italy include Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhists, Scientologists, Waldensians, Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and small numbers of Jewish and Protestant communities (2).? ?Although there is a distinct separation of church and state in the Italian Government, the lines are slightly more blurred than they are in the United States.? The Catholic Church is still indirectly involved in Italian politics.? Pope John Paul II and the Vatican's presence are felt throughout the entire nation.? For example, when the European Union was trying to create a constitution in 2002, the nations struggled with whether or not God and religion should be included in the draft.? The pope addressed the Italian Parliament for the first time in history.? In his 45-minute speech, he encouraged the legislature "to make sure that the expansion of the European Union did no diminish the role and importance of Christianity on the Continent."? He also said, "Italy's social... .../law/icl/gr00t_.html. 9. http://www.oefre.unibe.ch/law/icl/it00000_.html. 10. http://www,tbmm.gov.tr/anayasa/constitution.htm. 11. Masci, David.? "Can democracy flourish in strict Islamic states?"? CQ Researcher.? 24 March 2000. 12. "Minus a minaret."? The Economist.? 22 November, 2003.? 13. Morris, Chris.? "Turkey high court keeps religion at arms length on Friday, the Turkish High court banned the Islamist-led Virtue Party for allegedly encouraging Radical Islam."? Christian Science Monitor.? 25 June 2001. 14. Narili, Nilufer.? "The rise of the Islamist movement in Turkey."? Middle East Review Of International Affairs.? September 1999. http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/meria/journal/1999/issue3/ju3n3a4.html. 15.Williams, Daniel.? "Italian Judge Bans Crucifix from School; Anger greets order in Muslims case."? Washington Post.? 27 October 2003. The Role of Religion in Italian, Greek, and Turkish Politics Essay exam The Role of Religion in Italian, Greek, and Turkish Politics Problems with format Italy ?Prior to the mid-20th century, Catholicism was Italy's state religion; however, a new Constitution in 1947 changed this (2).? Article 7 of this Italian Constitution declares that the "State and Catholic Church are, each within their own reign, independent and sovereign" (9).? Articles 8 and 19 later provide freedom of religion for all Italian citizens (9).? However, most Italians continue to align themselves with the Catholic Church, as an estimated 85 percent are nominally Roman Catholic (2).? The country's second largest religion has just recently become Muslim with an estimated 700,000 people aligning themselves with this religion (2).? Other major religions recognized in Italy include Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhists, Scientologists, Waldensians, Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and small numbers of Jewish and Protestant communities (2).? ?Although there is a distinct separation of church and state in the Italian Government, the lines are slightly more blurred than they are in the United States.? The Catholic Church is still indirectly involved in Italian politics.? Pope John Paul II and the Vatican's presence are felt throughout the entire nation.? For example, when the European Union was trying to create a constitution in 2002, the nations struggled with whether or not God and religion should be included in the draft.? The pope addressed the Italian Parliament for the first time in history.? In his 45-minute speech, he encouraged the legislature "to make sure that the expansion of the European Union did no diminish the role and importance of Christianity on the Continent."? He also said, "Italy's social... .../law/icl/gr00t_.html. 9. http://www.oefre.unibe.ch/law/icl/it00000_.html. 10. http://www,tbmm.gov.tr/anayasa/constitution.htm. 11. Masci, David.? "Can democracy flourish in strict Islamic states?"? CQ Researcher.? 24 March 2000. 12. "Minus a minaret."? The Economist.? 22 November, 2003.? 13. Morris, Chris.? "Turkey high court keeps religion at arms length on Friday, the Turkish High court banned the Islamist-led Virtue Party for allegedly encouraging Radical Islam."? Christian Science Monitor.? 25 June 2001. 14. Narili, Nilufer.? "The rise of the Islamist movement in Turkey."? Middle East Review Of International Affairs.? September 1999. http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/meria/journal/1999/issue3/ju3n3a4.html. 15.Williams, Daniel.? "Italian Judge Bans Crucifix from School; Anger greets order in Muslims case."? Washington Post.? 27 October 2003.
Friday, October 11, 2019
My Psychosocial Stage of Development Essay
My Psychosocial Stage of Development S. Pulliam April, 2011 First I would like to define psychosocial development; this is the development of the personality or the acquisition of social attitude and skill from infancy through maturity. Based on the charting from Erickson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development, I fall into two separate categories based on my age. From the beliefs of Erickson, he believed that the achievements and failures of earlier stages influence later stages, whereas later stages modify and transform earlier ones (Erickson, 1980). The first is Young Adulthood and the second is Middle Adulthood. In the two stages from the chart the information is based on (Young adulthood) Intimacy v/s Isolation and the second one (Middle Adulthood) is based on Generativity v/s Stagnation Work and Parenthood Adults. Although there are two separate stages in the psychosocial stages that I fall under, I feel that I am at the midpoint for each and I have decided to consider both aspects in doing my psychosocial stages of development. To explain how the two stages correlate to my life, I decided in the last year to settle down and get married this is based on my young adulthood information from Erickson’s chart. The reason there is a correlation to my life based on Erickson’s chart under middle adulthood id because my life had children prior to the marriage but I am taking a more active role in being involved with activities and school when it comes to my children. In looking at my current psychosocial stage of development influence on my behavior and relationship, I find that I am a calm, and not hard to get along with even under pressure situations that has occurred with us based on my jealous tendencies and insecure ways because of previous relationship and not being with the father of my children. The influence that I see in young adulthood over my relationship is that there is a need for intimacy but not a major desire to have it on a regular basis. The isolation comes from not being so open and friendly to other males in my life or surrounding because of my relationship with my husband. I have male friends that I am social with but I do not allow the intimacy line to be crossed because of my relationship with my husband. The influence that I see in middle adulthood is the need to have a nurturing relationship with my children and creating a positive change to benefit my children lives. In looking at this I made changes in the way I approached my children and how I would not shelter them from the truth when they would ask me questions but give them true answer to their question. As small children I did not feel the need to give much explanation to my children’s questions but now I try to explain everything to them without being untruthful to them or give them false ideas about what is going on around them. To explain the positive and negative outcomes to psychosocial stages of development, I would have to say that there are many positive and negative but the few that stand out to me the most are. First negative outcome, getting over insecurities I had about the intimacy relationship that I chose to take on after breaking off a 10 year relationship with my children’s father. The second negative outcome was getting over the trust issues I had before going into the current marriage that I am in right now. The third negative outcome was getting pass the change of personality and ways I had to endure going into the marriage and getting use to a new personality and making the changes on both parts to make our marriage work to the best of our ability. Based on this information I feel that the positive outcomes to the psychosocial stages of Erickson were in a good way and I can see the difference in my life and marriage. First positive outcome was that I am able to trust again within my relationship with my husband. The second positive outcome was that I made a strong bond with my children and I have not only been a mother to my children but I am the friend that my children confide in when they have feeling they want to express. The third positive outcome I see is that I am calm and stress free with the way I deal with problem within my relationship and I am able to compromise with my spouse when we do not agree on things. In evaluating how other developmental issues have influenced my personality, I would have to say that during my early childhood life I dealt with a few attachment issues with my mother. I feel that during this stage I did not bond with my mother like most children tend to do when the mother is present because she was pre-occupied with her career as a teacher and coaching. So during this age I was in close relationship with my father and I never felt the true connection with myself and my mother like so many girls or women tend to have with a mother. Most of my time I spent with my father and aunts when I was in my early childhood age so I did not really know that much about my mother other than she coached and taught physical education. I admired what she did so I took on the quest of becoming a physical education teacher as well. In School age time I had to bare a lot of pressure in participating in sports and in my school work because the expectation was so high on me to achieve my education and athletic abilities because of what my mother represented in our community. At the same time I was pressured by other students because they felt that the only reason I made the team was because of my mother not because of my own ability. Once I graduated my goals with education were so different. I felt more of the need to help others in crisis situation so I went back to school to get my degree in mental health and social work and that is still my drive today. So from this experience I feel that I have a very strong personality in spite of the way so many tried to bring me down and I am a true fighter for what I believe in deep within my heart. My personality from what I can see is a driving force of who I am and I refuse to be compared to my mother in my quest to achieve greater feats in my life and the way I live my life. It is okay to be compared to her but I know that I could never be my mother or even like her because my drive and ambition is so different from the way she handles things. References http://www. support4change. com/stages/cycles/Erikson. html Erikson E. , 1980. Identity and the Life Cycle. Norton, New York http://currentnursing. com/nursing_theory/theory_of_psychosocial_development. html
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Cathedral Essay
El Ikor Professor Ravita English 1102 February 21, 2013 Cathedral Essay Don’t judge a book by its cover. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Two’s company and three’s a crowd. These are all well- known cliches that Raymond Carver was able to incorporate into his short story Cathedral. These cliches were able to take form as the story’s theme. The narrator (Bub) had a noticeable and open prejudice towards blind people. Carver was able to grasp how a person with a physical disability is coddled by society instead of being treated like an equal being.Bub’s anxiety and lack of enthusiasm was apparent when his wife invited her blind friend, Robert over for a visit. In the text Bub stated that he was not looking forward to having a blind man in his home. Within the story the narrator shows his ignorance and lack of factual knowledge of blind people. The narrator needed a personal experience with a disabled person before being able to comprehend the degree of hi s ignorance. His experience with a blind man taught him more than he was expecting to learn. Bub was able to discard his pre conceptions of Robert through interaction and surveillance with and of him.There was not an open welcoming of Robert’s visit from the narrator. Bub’s displeasure for having a blind person in his home originated from uneducated and ignorant beliefs. He truly believed that blind people were never happy and always moved slow. In the story, the narrator is shocked that Robert is able to easily feed himself. Bub’s stereotypical thoughts are evidence of the first cliche, â€Å"Don’t judge a book by its cover. †In the text Bub stated that he’d seen movies of blind people but he never truly interacted with a blind person before. He was very judgmental of Robert before even meeting him.From the moment Robert arrived, the narrator began to realize that his pre conceptions of the blind were fallacies. Carver’s use of this cliche conveys one of the underlying themes in the story. Carver’s use of the second cliche â€Å"Judge not, lest ye be judged,’ is evident throughout the entire story. Not only did Bub pre judge Robert before meeting him, but also he pre judged all blind people by grouping them into one helpless category. Robert continued to surprise Bub with his normalcy and similarities. Bub assumed that Robert was going to be helpless and in need of constant care.His assumptions towards blind people were unwarranted and derived from a superabundant intake of television. The fact that something as simple as a beard on a blind man surprised him is evidence that Bub’s ignorance was out of control. Bub was not able to differentiate between fact and fiction therefore he judged without plausible cause. After just a short time with Robert, Bub understood that his previous judgments and assumptions were incorrect. Bub saw that Robert, a blind man, was not as helpless as television would convey him as. Bub’s anxiety about Robert’s visit stemmed from more than him being a blind man.Bub also felt uncomfortable with the relationship Robert had with his wife. Robert and the narrator’s wife were able to keep a healthy friendship for a decade without seeing each other. Bub and his wife’s relationship lacked communication. In the text it is apparent that the narrator and his wife have constant small tiffs with each other. Robert and Bub’s wife sent each other tapes for years telling stories and keeping touch. Carver used the cliche, â€Å"Two’s company and three is a crowd,†as another theme for the story. Robert did not want to feel like the third wheel in his own home.Bub was jealous of the relationship Robert and his wife shared. The fact that Robert was a blind man connecting with his wife on this level did not make Bub welcome him into his home any more. Carver’s insertions of these latent cliches were fun damental to the story and the growth of Robert’s mental character. All of the cliches ultimately incorporated into the theme of the story. The stories most pre dominant or all powerful cliche was most certainly don’t judge a book by its cover. The narrator was completely insensitive to having a blind man in his home because of his pre conceived ideas.Bub was able to discard his pre notions of Robert through interaction and surveillance. After spending time with a person that he had these predetermined judgments of, he was able to willing open his mind and see that he was wrong. Bub was able to see more similarities than differences a blind person has with himself. Bub is able to grasp the concept that Robert’s lack of sight does not define him as an individual. He was able to learn valuable lessons from Robert. The underlying cliches without a doubt played there role throughout the story to teach Bub these lessons.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Language The monster Essay
The setting makes the reader feel tense because the bad weather in chapter 5 gives the reader the idea that there is a sense that the atmosphere is very ominous and this gives the impression that something bad is going to happen, this type of omen gives the reader a tense feeling because it gives the reader an opportunity to pre-empt the fact that soon the tension will break and it will break into some kind of bad happening. An example of this is when in chapter 5 where there is a slight description of what is happening around the room, and outside the room â€Å"the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out†this gives the impression to the reader that something big is soon to happen, because when your candle burnt out, you can’t see anything. Pathetic Fallacy is when someone gives inanimate features to an inanimate object, for example if you were to talk to a cushion as though it was a real person. Pathetic Fallacy gives the reader thee impression that Victor within chapter 5 feels very isolated and cannot talk to anyone, this is because he doesn’t want to tell anyone about his creation. Language The monster is described as having â€Å"yellow skin†and having a â€Å"shrivelled complexion and straight black lips†this explains that Victor’s creation has human features but they are presented in an inhuman way. The way that this creation is described is in the way that it isn’t human but it is a monster. This connotes that the monster is rather frightening to think about with his yellow skin and to think it is human is very scary. Victor thinks of his monster as scary and intimidating, although in chapter 5 Victor’s creation doesn’t actually do anything to Victor, he does actually run away from him when faced with him. â€Å"One hand was stretched out, seemingly to detain me, but I escaped and rushed downstairs. †This at this point of the story shows us that the monster is a bad thing to behold, that it was intending to seek revenge on Victor, but as the reader we don’t know really what is happening. Also we don’t actually know if Victor’s creation is actually as it says in the quote â€Å"trying to detain me†because he may be twisting the readers point of view, because of Victor being the narrator for most of the novel The reader associates monsters and devils with Victor’s monster because within chapter 5 when the monster is created. In the quote below gives a clear example of the creation being linked with omens and portents, â€Å"when, by the dim and yellow light of the moon, as it forced its way through the window shutters, I beheld the wretch†. This gives the impression that the creation is a sign of evil that is associated by the moon omen, because as well earlier in the chapter Victor claimed that the monster’s eyes appeared to be yellow like the moon. The full moon omen is an association with evil because it is supposed that when the full moon comes out all you can hear is the howling of a werewolf and that is a sign of evil The effect of oxymorons helps the reader with the description of Victor’s monster in chapter 5 â€Å"for example â€Å"but these luxuries only formed a more horrific contrast with his watery eyes†this quote is saying that victor made tried making his monster with â€Å"beautiful†characteristics but then says that these beautiful characteristics came out wrong â€Å"with his watery eyes†. This explains why Victor escapes from his creation later on in the chapter; he looks at the monsters hideous features and doesn’t take into account his interior. Victor within chapter 5 uses the fact that he is the narrator to his advantage, because of this Victor can say anything about the monster he wants and because he is the narrator the reader will believe this â€Å"one hand stretched out, seemingly to detain me†this is a prime example of manipulating the reader at this point, because the narrator says â€Å"seemingly to detain me†everyone believes it. This has an intriguing effect on the audience because the first thing you do as a reader is believe everything that the narrator says , however in this sense the narrator is can be very manipulative and can take advantage of what the reader may know or may not know. This is different to what victor originally thought of his monster, originally Victor thought that his monster would be a good idea because it is an original idea and everyone would praise him for the thing he had created, then if it turned out well then even more praise would come his way. â€Å"Although I possessed the capacity of bestowing animation, yet to prepare a frame for the reception of it†this is showing that victor thought of creating animation as a good idea and that he couldn’t wait to put it into practice. Originally Victor thought of his creation as a excellent idea and he wanted to be the inventor of a revolutionary idea, Victor wanted to be like god in a way, however as we find out through chapter 5 he doesn’t even want the credit for his invention There is an ammount of symbolism within chapter 5, for instance the idea that Victor created life from nothing is symbolic to religion and how god â€Å"apparently†created everything from nothing from his own power. â€Å"I collected the instruments of life around me†this giâ€â€-ves the impression that victor thinks of himself as a god-like person, that maybe he thought after creating this he would be known in history. Conclusion I think that Mary Shelly did meet her aim to â€Å"curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart†because the novel always keeps the reader on edge all of the time, the reader never knows what is coming next. For its time I think that the novel was rather frightening for its time because at that time no-one knew anything that we know in modern day science, so this novel would be what is called sci-fi in the modern day. Today of all the people that still read this novel they still find it a fascinating read because it is quite sci-fi like even to us now, we may now know that you won’t make life out of dead bodies using galvanism but it is still interesting.
Georgia Tech's motto is Progress and Service. What does that mean to Essay
Georgia Tech's motto is Progress and Service. What does that mean to you - Essay Example My love for cars, which begun ever since I was a child influenced my decision to work in a motor workplace. I progressed well in my assigned areas as a BMW technician. My duties included routine maintenance and assessment of problems that vehicles brought for repair had. Good communication skills were essential to great service. I gained vast experience, which I believe prepared me sufficiently to study mechanic engineering. I once volunteered for a community service at Habitat for Humanity that operates as a non-profit organization. I also volunteered at Chattanoga Area Food Bank, where I repackaged donated food for use at food pantries. I completed coursework in web programming and ESL, which further demonstrates my academic progress. I received several awards including poetry, CMML, and skier award. My academic progress has been excellent as displayed by my transcripts. Co-curricular activities that I have engaged in include robotics, tennis, and tech club. Therefore, based on the aforementioned progress and services discharged, I believe I will be of value to Georgia Tech in realizing its vision (Georgia Tech,
Monday, October 7, 2019
VAMPIRE SOCIAL FEAR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
VAMPIRE SOCIAL FEAR - Essay Example The concept of the existence of vampires was further glorified by eminent classic and contemporary literature authors that have created frenzy amongst the masses regarding the existence of these creatures. (Belanger, 2005, p. 49) As mentioned earlier, on a literary front the idea of vampires have fascinated, amazed and scared people throughout the ages. The belief in the existence of demons and spirits has been a prime aspect of all faiths and are often deemed to be the forerunners of the creation and concept of vampires; a dead blood-sucking nocturnal being that is largely associated with evil and the damned. Roman, Greek and Mesopotamian cultures all had a common notion regarding the existence of vampires but the concept itself gained more shape in Eastern Europe, where the legends narrated that vampires were revenants of sinner, suicide victims, people involved in witchcraft and corpses under the possession of malicious spirits or people who died of vampire bites. There were count less speculation regarding the appearance of vampires and before human physical features were used to typify Vampires, they were vastly believed to bestial creatures, which were damned for the rest of eternity and their existence was only meant to plague the living. The Description of the appearance of vampires is illustrated immaculately by the following quote from Sacred Hunger authored by Michelle Belanger, a self-proclaimed Psychic-vampire, who has published several books on this entire concept and has demonstrated the contrasts between the media portrayal and folkloric image of vampires, she states, â€Å"The vampire has come a long way since its beginnings in folklores†¦ Though, monstrosity in their hungers there is an ineffable something that inspires their so-called ‘Victims’ to willingly open their veins. Yet in stark contrast, the vampires we encounter in the tales of Eastern Europe are little more than corpses. These foul and bestial monsters terrorize whole villages, filing their victims with horror and disgust.†(Belanger, 2005, p. 14) Therefore, from the aforementioned quote it is abundantly clear that there is a huge schism between the perception of vampires in contemporary and the portrayal of folklores. Belanger has defined the true meaning of vampirism and the prevalence of this belief in gothic sub-cultures. It has become more of an identity for people and the term ‘vampirism’ itself is not used to signify bestial behavior or monstrosity, and is now given similar connotations as people who are left-handed; the latter due to the widespread belief that left-handed people are evil. The aforementioned analogy describes that vampirism is no longer emblematic of a blood-thirsty creature but all those people who are in pursuit of vital energy. However, this is still a subjective approach to the subject and having mentioned the prose will focus its attention back to the area under discussion that is whether or no t the social fear derived from these creatures is in anyway valid and the amount of insight provided by literature and conception of fictional characters to demonstrate this aspect. Therefore, the substance of the following prose will juxtapose the folkloric illustration of these creatures and how authors have portrayed the image of these creatures. In order to gain greater amount of insight in to the subject, the prose will
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Facebook list on nasdaq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Facebook list on nasdaq - Essay Example A good number of these individuals basically use it for socialization while an equally reasonable number of the users also use it for business. This is evident from the increasing number of pages dedicated to commercial reason or building company relations all which cements business revenue. The Facebook functions increase the popularity of the site and business uses takes this popularity to a whole new level which is established when people look at the site as a revenue booster. Again, this brings in a totally new dimension beyond the social role; it portrays Facebook not as a social platform but a commercial site. This is the greatest disconnect with the regular Facebook user because the initial spirit seems to fade with passage of time. My initial view of Facebook, and notably that of the general public, was that Facebook was a purely social site thus when it transitions to a commercial site, then the prior views and its role fades with the transition. It soon loses its dominant role which is the single aspect that separated it from the likes of Google and Yahoo. The latter two companies defined their purpose as search engines early on in their operations. To me, this was the reason they have remained dominant to date. This is because the single role they undertook a t the beginning is the very same they have stuck with throughout. Unfortunately, we cannot say this of Facebook since they seem to slowly deviate from the very role that made it famous (Wankel and Charles 280). Even though the numbers represent a perfect opportunity for investors to cash in, my greatest problem is with the social function; the social role Facebook has been associated with. It is quite certain that with public listing, the company’s orientation will definitely change the scenario. It will initiate a change from revenue generation which has been the case to profit maximization. The millions of shareholders who will
Saturday, October 5, 2019
The organisation and its environment. Costa coffee Essay
The organisation and its environment. Costa coffee - Essay Example Costa Coffee was founded in London in 1971 and initial operations was the supply of coffee beans to coffee shops and small scale vendors. After acquiring a formidable market, the venture was stretched to cover other operations. For many years in the coffee industry, the entrepreneurs behind Costa Coffee realized the demand of coffee beverage was more than the demand for coffee beans and berries. It is at this point that the idea of supplying drinks became more realistic. At the moment the enterprise focuses on the supply of hot drinks, particularly coffee, soft drinks and snacks. The growth of this enterprise has been significant as many branches have been launched across the globe. According to Worthington & Briton (2009) Costa Coffee has become more of a global entity that just a coffee enterprise that was launched in London. From the success story of Costa Coffee many similar companies have been resorting to the strategies applied by Costa coffee in order to achieve their goals. C osta Coffee has several aspects of both its internal and external environment. In its internal environment, operation and structural arrangement makes most of the issues faced in this particular environment. According to Turner (2003) it was hard for the enterprise to open up more than one branch. However, this move was significant as the management of Costa Coffee had the motive of reaching a wider target market. This was only possible through right and proper management that would ensure that all operations and structures are well formulated to suit the resources available for the enterprise. After the launch of another Coffee shop in London, it became easier to open up branches and manage them effectively. However, when it came to cross-border investment the scenario changed since the rules of trade became more complex. In the internal environment, the enterprise had to ensure that they had the right staff to operate in the company, proper management of funds and resources and a strong management team that would ensure continuity of the venture. In the external environment, the main issue was creating a greater competitive advantage over its competitors. This meant that the enterprise had to formulate the best strategy in order to be better than its competitors. Just like any other business venture, competitors create the greatest threat to any new enterprise entry in the corporate environment. For Costa Coffee there was an added advantage as they had started as another venture which had already established a market base. Another significant external market factor was the adherence to the rules of trade in the market. This matter became more complex when the venture had to expand its operations in other countries. The international market has new operational rules and regulations that enterprises need to adhere to. According to Turner (2003) adhering to trade rules and regulations is one external environment factor that any business enterprise is required t o effectively consider. For Costa Coffee regulation inclusions of the hotel and catering industry was mandatory. Communication in any organization is an important factor that should be considered effectively. Communication extends from just the requirements of the internal management system. For example, the general corporate environment has rules and regulations that should be adhered to by all organizations. For this to be effectively implemented there should be a proper communication
Friday, October 4, 2019
Globalization and Diversity and Its Effects on Organizational Behavior Essay
Globalization and Diversity and Its Effects on Organizational Behavior - Essay Example The main person responsible for coining the term globalization is considered to be Theodore Levitt. With the passage of time, the phenomenon has grown at a steady rate whereby the setting under which it is held is one that focuses on the global patterns related to the sociological findings. (Aase, 2004)The aspect of whether or not globalization is a newer form of western imperialism is manifested in the definition of the same word. Globalization, for that matter, is remarked as Internationalization since the nature of the two terms is on a worldwide scale more than anything else. West tries to exploit the basis of globalization which the third world countries could bring to the benefit of the developed nations. However, on the part of the two terms, the one thing common, however, is the fact that these have identified themselves well with the changing (and growing) trends, where most of these are credited on the shoulders of the World War II, after which there has been a resurgent ra t race nonetheless. Globalization is a phenomenon and it is one that is here to stay for long. The world has become a global village due to globalization and it is a good omen if seen in the proper perspectives. The impact of demographic diversities in a group means that more efforts are needed to be put in place so that each of the group members knows what his or her duty is and whether this person is communicated about the roles that are asked of him or her, both in the short term as well as the long run.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Shining Essay Example for Free
The Shining Essay Analysis of the Shining In the Shining, Stephen King’s idea was to show the reader that they don’t have to go looking in dark alleys for terrible monsters or demonic creatures, because in every human there is a chance for monsters to develop in ones mind. He also points out that a weak mind plus psychological problems, can allow exterior pressures to force you to think or do certain actions. In this novel the Torrance family settles in an isolated Colorado hotel, the Overlook. Jack Torrance, the father, gets a position as the winter caretaker. Jack, His wife and young son, Danny, are the only ones residing at the Overlook As the story unfolds you learn that Jack is a recovering alcoholic who has injured his son because of his own temper. His son, Danny has a psychic ability to read peoples thoughts and connect with spirits. The Overlook, the Hotel has a dark past and is very much alive with people that have died there long ago. As you read you realize the hotel will stop at almost nothing to add more spirits to its list. Stephen King reveals his ideas on mental illness and the influence that external pressures have on people. After Jack Torrance had given up drinking he was constantly fighting the urge to get a drink. . His dependency on alcohol caused Jack to almost become separated from his wife, led him to break his son’s arm, and his job loss as a teacher. He knew his father was an alcoholic and abused young Jack Torrance when he was a boy. Some days were good and others were not. Jack could no longer write his play; and would spend the day thinking about how he mistreated his family and how he wanted a drink. The hotel was now able to use his mental illness against him and influence his behavior. Jack would have drinks in the bar of the Colorado Lounge even though the liquor cabinets were abandoned of all bottles of any kind. He would drink and dance all night in the ballroom with the departed â€Å"guest†. This is where the previous care taker, one from the afterlife informed Jack that the hotel wanted him to be the manager forever. Jack only had to do eliminate his son and wife. Jack tried to pursue his new position, underlining Stephen kings message about the influence of external pressures on ones inner self. Because of Jacks mental illness the Overlook was able to influence his decisions.
The History Of Combat Climate Change Politics Essay
The History Of Combat Climate Change Politics Essay Suffered from many impacts, such as global warming, climate change, and pollution, etc., the Earth becomes weaker and weaker, which will be no longer to be able to support the living and non-living things any more. Especially climate change, it continues endlessly to damage the regular circulation of nature, such as the season that become uncontrollable and unpredictable now. Because of so, there appears a controversial topic to debate on between the rich and the poor, which one should have a higher obligation to combat climate change? I think developed countries should have a higher obligation to combat climate change than developing countries based on many reasons. Primarily, industrial revolution has started since 1860s, so only those developed countries that have grabbed that opportunity first to develop themselves (Tan Khaw, n.d.). That revolution has allowed them to develop rapidly in terms of economic, technology, culture and so on, so more or less they are the one, which have created more effect for nowadays climate change. Without farther look, the United States, for instance, have developed very fast after winning the war in 1776 from its colonizer-British. In addition, with their long time of industrialization, they also have enriched the technological advancement meaning that they have the ability with their modern technology to combat the climate change more effective than developing countries, which have started to develop just only in this 21st century. In other words, this is a very short duration for developing countries to have the ability to combat, for they just grow up and are vulnerable. Becoming the industrialized countries before the other developing countries in the world, it also means that they are also rich or wealthy in terms of property or treasury. Again, the United States have the highest GDP per capita $ 14.66 trillion comparing with the other countries around the world (CIA, 2011). The United States, therefore, accompanied with the other developed countries-such as France, Great Britain, Canada and Japan, etc., are able to spend for this combatting. Notably, there are many developed countries on this planet, so they can work cooperatively with each other to deal with this problem. And there also has a platform already in the international stage-such as the Kyoto protocol conference of the Unite Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997 based on United Nations, which allows them the work space to focus on environment, specifically climate change. I strongly believe that they will be able to deal with this problem, for they are not onl y wealthy in terms of property but also technological advancement. Next, they are the most powerful in the international stage. For example, just a few main counties-such as the US, France and Great Britain, are able to take action or intervene almost countries wars in the Middle East-Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq, for instance. They, therefore, will be able to take action in combatting the climate change as well, for their voice is very effective to gather the other countries to work on that task. Conversely, if the developing countries call for combatting the climate change, there will have even no one to join hand since they are developing and weak, and they have no more money and have no special modern technology. Moreover, this task of combatting climate change strongly need participation from the strong governments, and those governments are particularly developed countries including U.S., France, Great Britain and other industrialized countries. The reason why developed countries should have a higher obligation to combat the climate change was mainly the policy of those governments. Because policy in those developed countries are stronger than any other developing countries, they work more effective and could boost the motivation of combating climate change in both their states and other developing states. For example, United States had introduced Energy Independence policy in the aim of reducing the U.S. import of any source energy (OECD, 2008). This policy could take account into the reduction of CO emissions, which likely avoid the impact on climate; however, this policy could only be done by rich countries (developed countries) due to the high subsidy of contributing to this policy. On the other hand, if those developed countries do not do so, it will be a huge impact on environment as well as climate change. In fact, there is an expectation of investment in energy infrastructure about 20 trillion US dollars around the world which mostly are invested by developed countries (United Nations, 2012). Then there will have long-term impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, which likely effect on climate change, in the next 20 years. As a result, strong policies as well as developed countries have a higher significant role in motivating and combating the climate change than developing countries. Beside the above-mentioned points, such as industrial revolution, property, the influence in the international stage and the internal policy of those developed countries, which those rich nations have higher points compared to the developing nations, there is also wide gap between them. In India in 2008, for example, according to World Bank more than 456 million people were living under the poverty line, so it seems so ridiculous to push one who could not even help it own people who have not had a better living condition to contribute to fighting the climate change, which is generally considered as the root of the developed nations who have both wealth and resources to do this problem easily. It is unfair while the advantages call for the disadvantages to solve the same issues. To sum up, developed nations who have many potential factors such as the advancements of the technology resulting from the early industrial revolution, plenty of resources, their influence in the world politics, good management in those nations, and the leading in living standard of their people should pay high contributions to fight against the climate change because they are the ones who cause most of the pollution and gain many benefits from their actions. It is obvious that the causers of the problem should be the solvers of those by themselves. However, it would be much better if both developed and developing countries cooperate with each other to deal with the climate change, for there is one reason which it should be taken into account we are in the same planet, so we need to help each other to root out the common problem.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Essay --
Apollo 13 experiences major malfunctions which end up changing the mission from landing on the moon to now just trying to return to earth with all of the crew still alive. This movie illustrates how the leaders can develop a new vision and values, and how the team can come together and collaborate under high stress situations. Their vision changes from landing the astronauts on the moon to just getting the astronauts back to earth safely when there is an unexpected explosion in the service module. Even under a ridiculous amount of pressure, the crew was able to communicate efficiently and use their decision making skills to help solve the problem effectively. Apollo 13 is all about how their team effort and leadership skills come together to overcome what they thought would be a horrifying ending. Gene Kranz who was the flight director and in charge of the mission control team, developed a set of values; discipline, morale, toughness, competence, commitment, and team work to approach the situation. These set of values helped build the chemistry that kept them together during all of the different difficulties that had to face and helped the reach success in the end. For every seemingly impossible situation, Mr. Kranz gives new liveliness and vision to the team by his response always being â€Å"we need to find a way to make it work.†His leadership focuses on path goal theory. During his meetings when they were trying to develop a re-entry plan, he was only worried about making sure they were taking the right steps to bring the astronauts back safely. He explains to his colleagues what the proposals are, considers new thoughts, and is very supportive of everyone’s ideas. He clarifies the main goal and uses his relationship with everyon... ... go well and end safely. Marilyn displays personal integrity when she demands to know what is going on with the mission after she sees the news report on TV. She shows self-confidence when she calls and demands to know what’s going on and is will not hang up until she gets answers. During the whole situation she holds herself together under all of the stress, showing her emotional maturity. Gene Kranz and Jim Lovell are the main people who show how a leader is able to influence and lead the team when an unexpected situation occurs. When they’re having to face issues, conflicts, and achieving goals, making sure that your crew is focused is very important. No matter what pressure or conflict they were dealing with, they were able to make decisions fast and effectively. The leadership and team structure were the main reasons behind the ground team’s incredible work.
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