Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Fall Of Russian Communism Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers
Fall Of Russian Communism Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Fall Of Russian Communism The Reasons for the fall of Socialism/Communism and the Troubles of Starting the New Democratic System in the Russian Federation Let's not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky. Boris Yeltsin (b. 1931), Russian politician, president. Remark during a visit to the U.S. Quoted in: Independent (London, 13 Sept. 1989). The fall of the Communist regime in the Soviet Union was more than a political event. The powerful bond between economics and politics that was the integral characteristic of the state socialist system created a situation that was unique for the successor states of the Soviet Union. The Communist regime was so ingrain in every aspect of Soviet life that the Russian people were left with little democratic tradition. Russia faces the seemingly impracticable task of economic liberalization and democratization. This is combined with the fact that the new administration must address human rights issues, such as living conditions and the supply of staple goods in this new form of administration makes the prospect of a full democratic switch seemingly impossible. To fully understand the scope of the transference of governing power in the Russian Federation, one must first look at the old Socialist/Communist regime, to see the circumstances under which it fell gives a good view of why this transference is almost impossible. In the beginning Communism seemed to the people of Russia as a utopian ideal. The promise of the elimination of classes, of guaranteed employment , The creation of a comprehensive social security and welfare system for all citizens that would end the misery of workers once and for all. Lenin's own interpretation of the Marxian critique was that to achieve Communism there would first have to be a socialist dictatorship to first suppress any dissent or protest. Through coercive tactics this new government seized power and in 1917 Lenin came to power. Under his rule the Soviet Union underwent radical changes in it's economic doctrines adopting a mixed economy which was termed the New Economic Policy also referred to as NEP, this economy called for some private ownership of the means of production, but the majority of industry was made property of the people, which meant the majority of the means of production was controlled by the government. Lenin's government made many achievements. It ended a long civil war against the remnants of the old Czarist military system and established institutions in government. During this period, and in fact throughout the majority of the Communist rule, censorship and the subordination of interest groups such as trade unions was imposed to stop dissension and increase conformity to the new governments policies. Lenin died in 1924, and was quickly followed by Joseph Stalin as head of the Soviet Communist Party, the oppressive reforms started by Lenin were continued and at length became completely totalitarian. Stalin became the most powerful man in Russia. He controlled to bulk of all the political power and with that he started a ruthless campaign of removing all opposition to the Communist rule. During this period called the Great Purge Stalin systemically executed anyone who stood in his path. Millions of people were arrested and either harassed or killed. The economic status of the Soviet Union was yet again changed and the entire system became controlled by the government. All private ownership ended. A mass program of industrialization was commenced, and the strength of the Soviet Military was substantially increased. The citizens during this period endured great hardship. Agricultural production output diminished resulting in food shortages, these shortages were enha! nce by the mass exportation of food, this was done to pay for industrial imports. Stalin also put the production of what he called production goods such as manufacturing machinery over basic consumer goods such as clothes and other staples. During this period the Second World War broke out and drained most of what was left of the already impoverished state. Yet after the war national unity was strengthened as well is the Soviet military machine. The Soviet Union became a super power, the U.S. being the only country more powerful than it. After the death of Stalin in 1953 Nikita Khrushchev became First Secretary of the Communist party. Stalin's death marked
Saturday, November 23, 2019
5 Types of Errors in Parallel Construction of Sentences
5 Types of Errors in Parallel Construction of Sentences 5 Types of Errors in Parallel Construction of Sentences 5 Types of Errors in Parallel Construction of Sentences By Mark Nichol There are numerous ways to inadvertently derail a sentence by failing to provide consistent structure to parallel elements. The following sentences illustrate various types of pitfalls and how they can be avoided. 1. These audits are performed on both an ongoing basis or as part of due diligence. Both is appropriate (but not required) when a second choice is mentioned in addition but not when the reference is in opposition, as here: â€Å"These audits are performed on an ongoing basis or as part of due diligence.†2. The snakes will be safe from human interference, will have ideal places to hibernate, and plenty of mice and chipmunks to eat. Each of the three phrases in this sentence requires a verb at the head of the phrase: â€Å"The snakes will be safe from human interference, will have ideal places to hibernate, and will have plenty of mice and chipmunks to eat.†3. Other exhibits include rare movies about San Francisco, a primer on nineteenth-century architecture as well as the twentieth-century history of the city’s gay and lesbian community. â€Å"As well as†is not simply an equivalent substitute for and; it is appropriate only when adding a subordinate clause to a main clause. Also, because the first two items do not constitute a list, they must be connected with a conjunction rather than separated by punctuation: â€Å"Other exhibits include rare movies about San Francisco and a primer on nineteenth-century architecture, as well as the twentieth-century history of the city’s gay and lesbian community.†4. His latest controversial product didn’t receive as much backlash as expected, but hundreds of orders. The counterpoint in this sentence must, to be parallel, consist of an independent clause, complete with a subject and a verb: â€Å"His latest controversial product didn’t receive as much backlash as expected, but it did result in hundreds of orders.†5. They must either win Tuesday night or Saturday night to return to the finals. The conjunction either should follow the verb: â€Å"They must win either Tuesday night or Saturday night to return to the finals.†(An exception is if each choice in this sentence is preceded by its own verb, as in â€Å"They must either win Tuesday night or prevail Saturday night to return to the finals.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Grammar Test 140 Fish IdiomsBail Out vs. Bale Out
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethnographic Film and Post Colonial Discourse Essay
Ethnographic Film and Post Colonial Discourse - Essay Example Hybridity is given as antidote to essentialism, or "the belief in invariable and fixed properties which define the 'whatness' of a given entity"3. This kind of mutation modifies the established pattern with a 'mutual and mutable' representation of cultural difference that is considered in-between the colonizer and colonized. 4) Arif Dirlik, who developed Said's theory of Orintalism, proposes one more point of view. Dirlik suggested that the Orientals are striving to protect themselves by the shield of Orientalism; however living in the globalized world, they do not break ancestral traditions and rules. Most of ethnographic films represent postcolonial discourse in different meanings, but the 'red line' of such films is approximately the same: problem of an individual who has to acculturate and accept an unfamiliar outlook. More and more cinema festivals are dedicated exactly to ethnographic films, more and more film directors got interested in this topic from the time of inventing motion pictures up to nowadays. In this essay it is necessary to mention such masterpieces as "Act of War - The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation", "Nanook of the North", "First contact" and "The River" (Reka). "Act of War -"Act of War - The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation" (1993, made by Punipau and Joan Lander). In 1778, when the British traveler Captain James Cook and his crew landed at Hawaii, they were surprised to find hard-working people and a highly developed civilization. At the same time, for the Native Hawaiians, this first contact with Europeans caused a lot of events that completely derived them of their independence and culture. This provocative documentary chronicle included photographs and commentaries and re-produced the period of American annexation of Hawaii in 1898. The struggle of authentic Hawaiians against social, political and cultural invasion was vividly shown in this film. "Nanook of the North" was created by legendary Robert Flaherty in 1921, is possibly one of the best known of the silent era documentaries. Flaherty had undertaken a long voyage to the sub-Arctic eastern coast of Hudson Bay during which he filmed the landscape and filmed Eskimo communities. Flaherty's intention was to make a film collaborating with the local inhabitants. Also he discovered problematic side of the Inuit community as some kind of "eternal", noble race that lives in total isolation and is resistant to westernization. Flaherty perfectly re-created an Eskimo culture: the main character's everyday life including hunting seal, fishing, building igloo was caught by Flaherty's camera. The directors shares his incredible respect to a culture that has learned to not just survive but flourish in such a severe environment. The main theme of film can be formulated as following: "humanity against the nature, but human is the nature". Problem westernization
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Stanford Prison Experiment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Stanford Prison Experiment - Essay Example Another significant violation in this study was the lack of impartiality and distance of the researcher from the experiment. He became so much a part of the study that his personal bias and role took over his obligation to maintain the required impartiality. Thirdly, there was an inadequate establishment of appropriate boundaries and limitations on how far the prison environment could be replicated in an experiment. The experiment also did not respect the individual rights of the participants who took on the role of the prisoners. There were significant violations of human rights of the prisoners which are untenable in the atmosphere of a scientific experiment. The privacy of the prisoner participants was violated to an unacceptable degree, for example by making them repeatedly clean out their toilets by hand. Such acts were not strictly necessary in replicating a prison environment and violated accepted norms of fairness and decency. The response to prisoner Number 6419 who was genuinely traumatized by the experiment was not appropriate, because he was expected to accept continued torture rather than his fears and discomfort being acknowledged and his release arranged. The experiment on the whole, overstepped the ethical boundaries of impartial scientific research in its replication of the prison environment. Zimbardo’s reaction to the experiment was not that of an impartial researcher. When it first started going out of control with the prisoners resorting to rebellion, he in effect, allowed the guards free rein on controlling the rebellion, permitting them to use means that should have been unacceptable within the constraints of a research environment. As the experiment progressed, he began to react more like a prison authority and less like a researcher and an impartial observer. It appears likely that part of the reason for the experiment going out of control in the first place was the lack of establishment of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Cyber Shop and Direct Marketing Essay Example for Free
The Cyber Shop and Direct Marketing Essay With the never-ending possibilities of new inventions and innovations in the field of communication technology, much is expected in the future especially in the ever-increasing complex needs of clients and customers of different social segment from service and product providers (Appelbaum et al, 1998). The complex and demanding needs of the information age man will push creative and intellectual minds to continue their quest of improving the available convenient lifestyle of man. As the Vice President of the company, it would be best to choose the direct marketing strategy of Dell Computer because their model excellently illustrates the CSDM business transaction system as a direct marketing company, without distributors or agents that markets its products through the cyber shop. The Cyber Shop and Direct Marketing (CSDM) is a designed virtual trading system operation for the simultaneous practice of operating business transactions via cyber shop and direct marketing. It operates by combining the actual sales through the Cyber Shop and the logistic system through the Direct Marketing. The company will implement a virtual operating system that is directly employed and utilized by other companies like Dell Inc in the transaction mode of the company (Burnes, 1996). In using this model, customers purchase a product unit through the website by using direct online orders and purchases and enjoy the delivery services offered by the company. CSDM is different from that of the traditional purchase system flow wherein customers could not reach the source company directly. Direct reaction and simplified purchase for consumer, direct sell, direct service, and direct support from vendor; these are just a few of the common terms and concepts linked with cyber shop business transaction and direct marketing strategy in the advances in communication technology.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Dead Father :: The Dead Father Donald Barthelmeis Essays
The Dead Father Jerome Klinkowitzà s remarkably insightful review of Donald Barthelmeà s work begins with an anecdote about an evening they spent together in Greenwich Village (Barthelmeà s home for most of his life as a writer), and how a perfectly Freudian remark by Barthelmeà s wife put a stop to the writerà s boorish mood:à ¬Ãƒ «Why Donald,à she said, à «your fatherà s is bigger than yours.à She was referring to their respective biosin Whoà s Who in America.à ® It is Klinkowitz's well-argued contention that Barthelmeà s mid-career novel The Dead Father (1975) not only represents the high-water mark of his skill as a technical master of postmodern prose, but that it also embodies the central neurosis/inspiration driving nearly all his work, from his first published story, à ¬Me and Miss Mandibleà ® in 1961, to his last novel, Paradise (1986).(Though The King is mentioned by Klinkowitz, it is clear he considers it to be barely part of the Barthelme canon.)For Klinkowitz, Barthelmeà s near-obsessive goal as a post-modernist is to à ¬buryà ® his modernist father.For instance, Klinkowitz writes that, while at first glance à ¬Me and Miss Mandibleà ® seems a perfectly Kafkaesque tale of a man awakening to grotesquely transformed circumstances, in fact it is à ¬[f]ree of overweening anxiety and not painfully dedicated to existential questioning or angst ...à ®[1] à ¬[Barthelmeà s] first inclination is to laugh at rather than flail angrily against the forms and themes of an earlier style ...à ®[2]Klinkowitz cites à ¬The Indian Uprisingà ® and à ¬The Balloonà ® as oft-anthologized stories which epitomize Barthelmeà s work prior to The Dead Father; pieces which came to represent the postmodern short story with all its socially savvy and technically sophisticated style, yet stories whose primary tone is comic rather than the stilted existential dread of Barthelmeà s modernist precursors.Thus anxiety of influence is defused through comedy and exaggeration.Klinkowitz implies that, in Barthelme we have our first authentic American Beckett, but one in whose work optimism is neither desperate nor self-canceling. Skillfully mixing criticism and biography, Klinkowitz demonstrates how Barthelmeà s life influenced his work; how his time in the army as a service newspaper writer, and later as a publicity writer and editor prepared him to handle à ¬words and images as blocks of material rather than as purveyors of conceptions ...à ®[3]But the use of autobiographical material makes a point beyond that relevant to critical biography.Klinkowitz argues that a consistent thematic in Barthelmeà s writing was life as text--and therefore text as some sort of incarnation of life.As Klinkowitz writes of his meeting with Barthelme in the village, Barthelme à ¬was firmly inside his text.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Politics in the English Language Essay
Miscommunication is often the result of modern prose which is most commonly used despite its vagueness because of its simplicity. According to George Orwell’s â€Å"Politics in the English Language,†these habits must be eliminated in order to think clearly, if not, language will continue to be used in corrupt ways by politicians. With poor language skills come poor thinking skills, making it easier for people to be manipulated by warped language. Ted Hughes â€Å"Words and Experience†expresses that words are inadequate and that it is very difficult to capture experience properly. The way in which Hughes and Orwell appeal to the problem of miscommunication are different; Orwell is critical while Hughes is sympathetic. In the paper â€Å"Politics in the English Language,†George Orwell appeals to logos to prove that the misuse of language is corruptly used by politicians for selfish purposes. Thought corrupts language and politicians manipulate language fo r their own selfish purposes. Words such as fascism and democracy are among those words due to their lack of a concrete meaning. Democracy is often associated with a positive meaning whereas fascism is associated with a negative meaning. As a result dishonest politicians use their own interpretation to twist the meaning of what they are trying to communicate. They have defended events such as the Russian purges and deportations, the British rule in India and the atomic bombing in Japan by using language consisting of â€Å"euphemisms, questionable begging and sheer cloudy vagueness†(Orwell 699). This language covers up all the details of the events and is a prime example of how thought corrupts language. Language is warped because of the way it is used to lie and manipulate people. Politicians use vague language to hide questionable acts which leads to poor language skills. Orwell states that â€Å"the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts†(Orwell 691). He believes that poor language skills lead to poor thinking skills which are detrimental to society beca use people often accept the words of authority figures without thinking; they are not conscience of the meaning of the words being used. These bad language habits that Orwell indentifies are dying metaphors, pretentious diction and meaningless words; all of which are unnecessary and increase vagueness. This form of modern prose is easier therefore it is used commonly resulting in poor thinking skills. â€Å"The whole tendency of modern prose is away from concreteness†and â€Å"consists in gumming together long strips of words which have already been set in order by someone else†(Orwell 697). Orwell suggests that the problem is cyclical; vague language leads to the inability to think for oneself and the inability to think leads to miscommunication. Orwell uses logos to identify the problem and treats it with a critical tone however, believes that it can be fixed â€Å"if one is willing to take the necessary trouble†(Orwell 691). Ted Hughes and George Orwell share similar views on the misuse of language however Hughes uses different points to convey the message in his essay â€Å"Words and Ex perience.†Hughes states that words are tools and that it is difficult to choose the correct words to capture experiences. He uses the metaphor â€Å"A word is its own little solar system of meanings†(Hughes 120) because there is a vast amount of words to choose from and the process is often overcomplicated. Too much time spent thinking of the correct words to use causes people to miss the experience all together. Finding the right word requires a fine balance therefore words should not be used casually. Without this balance, words tend to inhibit the simplest descriptions such as â€Å"the infinite depth of crowiness in the crow’s flight†(Hughes 122). In this case, all words can be used for are indicators and general directives. Swiss psycho-analyst Jung believes that people know how to use words properly but have to quiet down to get what is inside their conscience. Although Hughes writes in a hopeful tone he believes that words are inadequate in describing experience. If and when a balance is found and words match experience, that is poetry. His view and solution are effectively communicated in using a sympathetic tone. George Orwell and Ted Hughes both attack the problem of the misuse of language effectively. With similar goals, both are equally able to convey the same points while appealing to different aspects and emotions. George Orwell’s â€Å"Politics in the English Language,†appeals to logos while criticizing the way unclear language is used corruptly by politicians. He adequately shows how people are easily manipulated by warped language because poor language skills lead poor thinking skills. Ted Hughes appeals to logos by using a sympathetic tone to convey the message that words are inadequate and it is very difficult to capture experience in his essay â€Å"Words and Experience.†The problem of miscommunication found in modern prose is the result of vagueness and must be fixed. This is difficult because of the bad habits formed and its simplicity, however it can be fixed if one takes the initiative.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Forest Act
INTRODUCTION the term forest is defined as an area of land with at least ten per cent (10%) of tree crown cover, naturally grown or planted and/or fifty per cent (50%) or more shrub and tree regeneration cover and includes all forest reserves of whatever kind declared or gazetted under this Act and all plantations. The Forest Ordinance of 1959, is the law which governs the Forest Law of 2002, having the objective to effect governmental control for economic gain rather than sustainable development, as the concept of environment is not been taken seriously.HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF FORESTS IN TANZANIA Historically the forest act can be traced back as far as 1819 to 1919 whereby the state controlled forest estate was initially established under German colonial administration who were the first colonialist in Tanzania. The German’s administrator used different methods and tactics in preserving the forest such as forcing the residences near forest or in the forest places to evacuate d those places immediately and there were no remedies present for those who violated the decree intentionally.In 1921 after the Second World War Tanganyika was placed to the British Administration. The English supervision presented the Forest Ordinance which was based on that used in adjacent Kenya colony which placed restriction on access to and use of forest products. The spirit of the British colonialists to protect the forest and its resources were also seen in the Land Ordinance whereby it introduced protected areas; forests areas being part and parcel.Soon after independence, forests in Tanzania have been managed and controlled by the Forest and Beekeeping Division under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. This management has been characterized by extensive state control which does not involve the local community forests. The forest management was due to forest degradation and deforestation through illegal activities and increase of human pressure on natural resourc es. In Tanzania a vast forest area existed for instance in the 1990’s, the forested areas were ranging from 41-42 percent.It was observed that most of the forested areas were cleared for agricultural, overgrazing, wildfires, charcoal burning and overexploitation activities. During 1961-1997 it was discovered that over 10 million hectares of forest had been lost therefore in order to prevent this loss the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism made an effort and concentrated on active participation of the local community and stake holders. In 1990 the Forest Policy came into existence by virtue of the Forest and Beekeeping Division.Currently the Forest sector in Tanzania is controlled by three parallel structures which includes The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, The Regional Secretariat and the Local Authority. NATIONAL FOREST POLICY, 1998 The Forest Policy (NFP) of 1998 in Tanzania was the result of reviewing its Forest Policy of 1953. Generally, the objective of this policy was to enhance the contribution of Forest sector to the sustainable development in Tanzania and conservation and management of her natural resources for the benefit of the present and the future generation.This means that forests have to be managed in terms of socio-economic, ecological and cultural sustainability and with the principle of multi-functionality and equitable benefit and responsibility sharing. Also the Forest Policy also recognizes the role of the private sector in management of forest resources and the policy responsibility of managing forest resources will be left in the hands of specialized agencies and the private sector, central government responsibility will be managed.The Policy promotes tools to implement different communities based management regimes, ranking from Joint Forest Management to community management (Community Based Forest Management, Village Forest Reserve). The objectives related to forest policy OTo ensure sustainable development and equitable use of resources for meeting the basic needs of present and future generation without degrading the environment or risking health or safety. OTo present and control degradation of land, water, vegetation and air which constitute our life support systems.OTo conserve and enhance our natural and man-made heritage, including the biological diversity of the unique ecosystem of Tanzania. OTo improve the condition and productivity of the degraded areas including rural and urban settlement in order that all Tanzanians may live in safe, healthy, productive and aesthetical pleasing surroundings. OTo raise public awareness and understanding of the essential linkages between environment and to promote individual and community participation in environmental action.OTo promote international cooperation on the environment agenda, and expand our participation and contribution to relevant bilateral, sub-regional, regional and global organizations and programs, including implementatio n of conventions. OTHER OBJECTIVES The National forest policy is based on macro-economic, environment framework and social framework. In microeconomic framework has the objective, which lifts the national economy and facilitate wholesome growth, the policy has stated the following objectives: OTo combat poverty and deprivation in order to improve people’s path.OTo ensure macro-economic stability. OTo create an enabling environment for a strong private sector. O To reduce government involvement in direct productive activities. OTo improve efficiency in the use of public resources. FOREST ACT, 2002 The objectives of the Forest Act, 2002 as analyzed under the provision of Part II of the Act are: OTo promote, to enhance the contribution of the forest sector to the sustainable development of Tanzania and the conservation and management of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations.OTo encourage and facilitate the active participation of the citizen in the sustainable planning, management, use and conservation of forest resources through the development of individual and community rights, whether derived from customary law or under this Act, to use and manage forest resources; OTo ensure ecosystem stability through conservation of forest biodiversity, water catchments and soil fertility; OTo delegate responsibility for management of forest resources to the lowest possible level of local management consistent with the furtherance of national policies; OTo ensure the sustainable supply of forest products and ervices by maintaining sufficient forest area under efficient, effective and economical management; OTo enhance the quality and improve the marketability of forest products and regulate their export; OTo promote coordination and cooperation between the forest sector and other agencies and bodies in the public and private sectors in respect of the management of the natural resources of Tanzania; OTo facilitate greater public awarenes s of the cultural, economic and social benefits for conserving and increasing sustainable forest cover by developing programmes in training, research and public education; OTo enable Tanzania to pay, fully in contributing towards and benefiting from international efforts and measures to protect and enhance global bio-diversity.The Act enables the State to fulfill its obligation to meet the standards determined by international instruments to enhance and protect global bio-diversity. Section 5 provides for ministerial responsibility and function of the director, where as Section 6 provides for the appointment and function of the officer. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISM OF THE FOREST ACT, 2002. THE INSTITUTIONS MECHANISM ESTABLISHED UNDER THE FOREST ACT, there are three major institutions created by the Forest Act, which are, the forestry advisory committee, Community forest management group for managing forest reserves, and Tanzania forest fund. NATIONAL FORESTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEEThis is a committee established under Section 10 of the Act, and the minister appoints the committee members, who function to advise the minister on; OMatters relating to issuance of concession and conditions as provided for under Section 20(11) of this Act; OMatters relating to declaration of a forest reserve as provided under Section 23(6) of this Act; OMatters relating to the management of forest reserve as provided under Section 27(5) of this Act; review of the forest policy; and OAny other matter, which the Minister may specify. COMMUNITY FOREST MANAGEMENT GROUPS Community Forest management group may be formed by any group of persons who are members of a village living in or near to a forest or group of persons who are managing a forest or part thereof or who are desirous of managing a forest reserve or part thereof. TANZANIA FOREST FUNDThis is another institution established under the Act, which deals with financial matter, in which the funds and its resources consist of fee payable, royalty payable, grants donations and bequests, any sum realizes by the sale of forest produce and income generated by any project financed by the fund, and such funds are managed by forest fund trustee appointed by the minister. The object and purpose of the fund is to meet the objectives of the Act as analyzed in the provision of Section 3. ADMINISTRATION MECHANISMS Part III of the Forest Act provides for administrative and institutional mechanisms. To start with administration, the Act provides that there is a Minister responsible for forest matters and that the Minister is responsible for policy formulation and for ensuring execution by official in the ministry such functions connected with the implementation of this Act.Apart from that, there is a Director of the forestry who is appointed by the President and bears the function of advising the government on all matters of management of the forests. On top of that the Director is required and empowered by the Ac t to make a determination affecting or likely to affect the rights of any individuals and give reasons for the decisions. There are other Appointed Officers who have the duty to ensure the efficient, effective and economical management and supervisions of forests as directed by the Act. These officers appointed by the Director include, licensing and registration officers, enforcement officers, inspectors and all of them are answerable to the director. Furthermore, there exists a Local Authority and Forest Management Authority.Power to designate any person to be an Authorized Officer has been vested to the Director and he also has power to delegate to such public officers, a local authority officer to perform any work imposed on him by the Act. CREATION OF FOREST RESERVE The Act provides for the creation of forests reserves as analyzed under section 4, which include national forest reserves, local authority forest reserves, village forest and private forest. The Act goes further in p roviding for the guiding procedures in declaring an area to be a forest reserve under Section 23, and provision of compensation in case of claims arising out of an area, which is declared a forest reserve is provided under Section 24(1) PERMITS AND LICENSESUnder Part VI provides for specified activities to be carried in national or local authority forest reserve subject to conditions as prescribed in the permit, which is sought in respect of Section 50, and grant of permit, variation and modification of the same is provided for under Section 53, Section(s) 54 and 55, provide for Surrender of permit and Revocation or suspension of the permit. ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLES UNDER THE FOREST ACT GENERAL PRINCIPLES ORight to information, meaning that the director and all officers are required to ensure that members of the public are equally and adequately given information and guidance in connection to implementation of this Act ORight to appeal, any individual aggrieved by a decision under t his Act has a right to appeal in the High court SPECIFIC PRINCIPLESOPrinciple of local level governance, meaning that the right and duties of which villagers have to respect village land reserves and function of local authority in respect of village land forest reserve OPrinciple of prevention action, restriction on boundary vegetation, inspection of forest produce by experts, prohibition of marking by unknown persons, prohibition of export of forest produce without certification OPrinciple of restrictive measures, the Act provides for the restriction in the creation of new rights for forest reserves, were as subsection 5 of section 25, an investigation process can be allowed to enquire in a matter that has been reported to the minister or chief executive officer.OPrinciple of sustainable development, which ensures the ecosystem stability through conservation of the forest biodiversity, water catchments and soil fertility and facilitating public awareness so as to increase sustainab le forest cover by developing training programmes and education, as well as sustainability in connection to harvest of forest products. OPrinciple of inter-generational equity, the Act encourages and facilitate active participation of the citizens in the sustainable planning of the environment and forest reserves through community out reach OThe Act further looks at the concept of Environmental Impact Assessment, and the provision binds both the public and private local authorities . OFFENCES AND PENALTIES The Act also provides for various offences and penalties in general. These offences have been provided for under part XI, Section 84-100.Section 84 generally provides offense relating to forest reserve which includes entrance into the forest reserve, performing any act contrary to section 26, obstruct roads path or water course, damage forest reserve, grazing of livestock shall be guilt of an offence upon conviction liable to a fine not less than thirty thousands (Tshs) and not ex ceeding one million or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment. Section 85 offences relating trees not in forest reserve. A person may be held liable for the following action felling trees, cuts trees, loops damage, remove or sell any reserved tree or any party thereof unreserved land shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine of not less than fifty thousands (Tshs) or imprisonment not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.Section 86 relating to wild plants, any person without lawfully authority picks pluck takes sample any part or any way or by any way interferes with or willfully and intentionally poison damage or destroy in any way wild plants or expose for sell or purchase export or attempt to expose shall be guilt of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine not less than two hundred thousand (Tshs) and not exceeding one million shilling or to imprisonment for a t erm not less than six months and not exceeding two years or to both. Section 90 provides for counterfeiting and similar offences, any person who counterfeiting alters obliterates or defaces any stamp mark, sign, license permit, certificate authority or receipt used or issued under this act shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine not less than one million shilling and not exceeding three million or to imprisonment for not less one year and not exceeding two years or both. Section 91 on offences in connection with fires.Any person who without lawful authority lights or assists in lighting or uses rekindles or adds fuels or any fire or causes any of theses to fake place leaves an attended fires before such fire is thoroughly extinguished or fails to comply with lawfully order issued to him under and in connection with any of the provisions of part 9 of this act shall be guilt of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to affine not less than f ifty thousands(Tshs) or not exceeding one million or to imprisonment not exceeding one year or both. Where any person is convicted of an offence against this act the Court may in addition to any other penalty provided for in this Act order cancellation of the permit for period that a forest reserve manager may see fit and upon damage of forest produce will pay compensation for the same subject to ten times the amount of royalties or fees which had the action constituting the offence. STRENGTHS OF THE FOREST ACTThe Act links the central government and the local community in the whole process of preservation and protection of the forest resources in order to ensure national development and this is done through public participation in decision making in forest management as portrayed under Section 42 through the Participatory Forest Management(PFM) and the Community Base Forest Management(CBFM) which involves village and local people of forest protection. also, the Act provides for Pri vate forests in which individuals who are the holders of the right of occupancy enter into covenants on land that without previous consent of the Director. The Act also establish the administration and institutional machinery in order to protect forest resources.Also it provides for Minister responsible for forest and Director of Forest Officers who are appointees of the Director and Forest Advisory Committee and the National Plants Protection Advisory Committee. The Act provides for participation of local communities in the management of their lands and, their rights on natural resources are clearly recognized as per Section 14, 32 and 40 of the Forest Act No. 14, 2002 which provides for village land forest management plans and rights and duties of villages in respect of village land forest reserve. never the less, the Act provides for trade on forest produce through establishing procedures necessary to conduct forests trade and forest produce.This led to ensure sustainable trade o f forest produce and forest conservation and a person need to have trade permit and license of conducting trade as stipulated under the Act. Moreover, the establishment of the Tanzania Forest Fund. The fund contributes towards on the conservation of the forest resources and the main purpose is to promote awareness and to ensure development and sustainable use of forest resources through public education and training and to promote the community forestry in the whole process of development through making grants and providing advice and assistance to group of persons. WEAKNESSES OF THE ACT There are some conflicts between the Forest Act and the Village Land Act regarding the procedures for the establishment of Village Forest Reserve.Section 32(2) and 33 of the Village Land Act provide for procedures such as application to the village council, signed by the party applying for the derivative right or his duly appointed agent or representative; accompanied by simple plan showing the loca tion and boundaries of the land and any other information which may be prescribed or which may be required by the village council, accompanied by any fees which may be prescribed; notified to the members of the village by any means of publicity which will bring the matter to their attention; whereas the Forest Act provide for concepts like private forests which includes forestry dedication covenants, application for concession, use of land as private forest land and concession. Also concepts such as forest reserves other than village and community forest reserve, village land forest reserves and community forest reserves which all provide for various procedures for each where in village land act it provides for the general procedures.Section 98 0f the Act provide that no matter or thing done by any authorized officer to perform any function under the Act, shall, if done in good faith in execution or purported execution of his function under this Act, render him personally liable for the matter or thing concerned. This means that the act did not provide protection to an individual member of the society rather it’s only the official who is protected. Also same section of the same act provide that any person is liable for any offence against the act but do not provide the meaning of any person and that makes authorities to become people who will be liable for any offence which will have unnecessary immunity. The director of the forestry has been vested with so much power which can make him abuse the power.Section 5(2) to (4) provide that director of the forest is appointed by the president whom will become an officer of public service, the director is to advise the government on all matters of management of forests and also to give reason to the person who is affected by the decisions of the director. Then if the director is the one to advice the government on matters relating to the forest then can give decisions which will be more favorable to the author ities and desire of the government regardless of what is really needed in forest development. The Forest Act empowered only the high court to have jurisdiction over the matters pertaining forest protection. ith the high court having the powers itself then there are some situations which people who affected by the acts done to the forest fail to submit their complaints to the court since they have no access to it. In Tanzania most regions have only one court; for instance in Iringa all district like Mafinga and Mufindi depends on the high court which is at Iringa municipal; With this regards then access to justice fails. CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATIONS it is our recommendation that the law to relating to protection of the forest be modified so as to fit with the corent society were there defforestation of the lands is of great extend all over the world and Tanzania in Particular by imposing heavier punishment to those who harm the forests for the benefit of the current and coming gener ation.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy †Biology Research Paper
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – Biology Research Paper Free Online Research Papers Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Biology Research Paper Imagine being a parent and discovering that your child won’t be able to walk by the age of 12 and wont live past the age of 20. This has become a reality for many parents as they find out that their child has a form of muscular dystrophy. This particular type of muscular dystrophy is referred to as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which is a genetically inherited disorder that is the most common and severe of all muscular dystrophies. It is found in 1 of every 3,500 males and is characterized by progressive muscle wasting. It is caused by the lack of dystrophin, which is a protein found in the cell membrane of muscles. One early clinical sign of the disease is the child showing a late start in walking and sometimes they are referred to as a late bloomer. Usually when the child walks they have a waddling motion and sometimes they walk up on their toes. Usually, hypertrophy, or enlarging of the muscles, especially in the calves is noticed. However, the hypertrophy is actually caused by adipose (fat) tissue, which replaces the muscle tissue. Another clinical sign of DMD is small amounts of mental retardation or learning disabilities. Although this is not apparent until the child is older, it is a common pattern that is found in children with DMD. There have been many studies done to determine what exactly causes the mental retardation. Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy is a recessive genetic disorder caused by a deficiency of the protein dystrophin, which is found in muscle cells. This disorder is usually only found in males. It has very rarely been found in females because they have two X chromosomes and the disease is recessive. They pass it on to one half of their sons and to one half of their daughters who become carriers. In the possibility that the male with DMD reproduces, his sons would not be infected however is daughters would be 100% carriers of the disease. Even though DMD is present from the initial stages of fetal development, physical signs are not present until 18 months to 4 years of age. In addition to the clinical signs mentioned above, a child with DMD is unable to climb or pull itself up from the floor. Between the ages 3 and 7, a child with DMD may show signs of improvement, but that is due to natural growth and development. In school they start to fall behind in being able to keep up with their peers in physical activity. This sometimes leads to them being called clumsy or lazy. When the child is around 9 years, the disease starts to progress rapidly and by age 12, they can no longer walk on their own. In the late stages, a significant loss of muscle tissue is noticeable. There may also be an increase of the curvature of the spine. When they are brought to the doctor, a series of tests are done to determine the problem. When a biopsy is done, the doctors find that the muscle tissue has hypertrophied with adipose tissue. Short ly after the cells have become full of adipose tissue they die. Unlike other tissues of the body, muscle and nerve tissues cannot reproduce. An individual is born with a specific amount of muscle and nerve cells. Once they die, they cannot be regenerated. This is bad news for people with DMD and they usually die around the age of 20 due to the diaphragm or heart muscle degenerating. There are several ways to test for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The first is a blood test, called the serum creatine kinase test, looking for an increased amount of creatine kinase. Normally there is only a small amount of creatine kinase in the bloodstream. All muscles produce creatine kinase and release small amounts, however when the muscle cells tear from contracting, the creatine kinase leaks into the bloodstream. The second test that could be done is an electromyopathy test. This involves putting a small needle in the skin and recording the pattern of electricity. When muscles contract, there is an electric current flowing through the tissue. The third way to test for the disease is a muscle biopsy. In this process a piece of muscle is removed and examined under the microscope. When the cells are seen as enlarged and filled with adipose tissue then the disease is prevalent. Or another sign is if the muscle cells are dead. The last way to test is direct DNA testing. While the c hild is still in the womb it can be tested for the disease by doing an amniocentesis. In this procedure, fluid and fetal cells are taken out from the amniotic layer that surrounds the fetus. Then the cells are checked for a defect or genetic mutation in the DNA. At this time, there are many research studies being done to try and find a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Unfortunately, a definite cure has not been found yet. Even though there is no cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, there are places people with disease can go to get help. There are several Support Groups out there to help people with DMD. The Muscular Dystrophy Association or MDA is probably the largest support group. They offer financial and emotional support as well as a vast information site for all of the different muscular dystrophies. They fund research projects that are aimed at finding a cure for the diseases and they also publish their own bimonthly magazine called â€Å"Quest.†They can be found on the Internet at www.mdausa.org. Another support group is The Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy Research. Like the MDA, they also support families with DMD and fund research projects. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a severe form of muscular dystrophy that causes progressive muscle degeneration. Its main cause is the lack of the protein dystrophy that is necessary for the muscles to function properly. It is tough for the victims and their families because there is no definite cure and they usually don’t live past the age of 20. Hopefully in the future, technology will enable researchers to be able to find a cure that will be a 100 percent effective when used. Until that time comes, all DMD victims can do is wait and hope. + Research Papers on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - Biology Research PaperPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenGenetic EngineeringThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesStandardized TestingThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementHip-Hop is ArtResearch Process Part One
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Battle of Yellow Tavern - Civil War
The Battle of Yellow Tavern - Civil War The Battle of Yellow Tavern was fought May 11, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). In March 1864, President Abraham Lincoln promoted Major General Ulysses S. Grant to lieutenant general and gave him overall command of Union forces. Coming east, he took the field with Major General George G. Meades Army of the Potomac and commenced planning a campaign to destroy General Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia. Working with Meade to reorganize the Army of the Potomac, Grant brought Major General Philip H. Sheridan east to head the armys Cavalry Corps. Though short in stature, Sheridan was known as a skilled and aggressive commander. Moving south in early May, Grant engaged Lee at the Battle of the Wilderness. Inconclusive, Grant shifted south and continued the fight at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House. During the early days of the campaign, Sheridans troopers were largely employed in the traditional cavalry roles of screening and reconnaissance. Frustrated by these limited uses, Sheridan bickered with Meade and argued to be allowed to mount a large-scale raid against the enemy rear and Confederate Major General J.E.B. Stuarts cavalry. Pressing his case with Grant, Sheridan received permission to take his corps south despite some misgivings from Meade. Departing on May 9, Sheridan moved south with orders to defeat Stuart, disrupt Lees supply lines, and threaten Richmond. The largest cavalry force assembled in the East, his command numbered around 10,000 and was supported by 32 guns. Reaching the Confederate supply base at Beaver Dam Station that evening, Sheridans men found that the much of the material there had been destroyed or evacuated. Paused overnight, they commenced disabling parts of the Virginia Central Railroad and freeing 400 Union prisoners before pressing south. Armies Commanders: Union Major General Philip H. Sheridan10,000 men Confederate Major General J.E.B. Stuart4,500 men Stuart Responds Alerted to the Union movements, Stuart detached Major General Fitzhugh Lees cavalry division from Lees army at Spotsylvania and led it south to hamper Sheridans movements. Arriving near Beaver Dam Station too late to take action, he pushed his tired men through the night of May 10/11 to reach the intersection of Telegraph and Mountain Roads near an abandoned inn known as Yellow Tavern. Possessing around 4,500 men, he established a defensive position with Brigadier General Williams Wickhams brigade on the right west of the Telegraph Road facing south and Brigadier General Lunsford Lomaxs brigade on the left parallel to the road and facing west. Around 11:00 AM, less than an hour after establishing these lines, the lead elements of Sheridans corps appeared (Map). A Desperate Defense Led by Brigadier General Wesley Merritt, these forces quickly formed to strike Stuarts left. Consisting of the brigades of Brigadier General George A. Custer and Colonels Thomas Devin and Alfred Gibbs, Merritts division quickly advanced and engaged Lomaxs men. Pressing forward, troopers on the Union left suffered from flanking fire from Wickhams brigade. As the fighting increased in intensity, Merritts men began to slip around Lomaxs left flank. With his position in jeopardy, Lomax ordered his men to retreat north. Met by Stuart, the brigade was reformed on Wickhams left and extended the Confederate line east by 2:00 PM. A two-hour lull in the fighting ensued as Sheridan brought up reinforcements and reconnoitered the new Confederate position. Spying artillery in Stuarts lines, Sheridan directed Custer to attack and seize the guns. To accomplish this, Custer dismounted half of his men for an assault and ordered the remainder to conduct a wide sweep to the right in support. These efforts would be aided by the rest of Sheridans command. Moving forward, Custers men came under fire from Stuarts guns but continued their advance. Breaking through Lomaxs lines, Custers troopers drove on the Confederate left. With the situation desperate, Stuart pulled the 1st Virginia Cavalry from Wickhams lines and charged forward to counterattack. Blunting Custers assault, he then pushed the Union troopers back. As Union forces withdrew, former sharpshooter Private John A. Huff of the 5th Michigan Cavalry fired his pistol at Stuart. Hitting the Stuart in the side, the Confederate leader slumped in his saddle as his famous plumed hat fell to the ground. Taken to the rear, command on the field passed to Fitzhugh Lee. As the wounded Stuart departed the field, Lee attempted to restore order to the Confederate lines. Outnumbered and overpowered, he briefly held back Sheridans men before retreating from the field. Taken to the Richmond home of his brother-in-law, Dr. Charles Brewer, Stuart received a visit from President Jefferson Davis before slipping into a delirium and dying the next day. The loss of the flamboyant Stuart caused great sadness in the Confederacy and greatly pained Robert E. Lee. Aftermath: of the Battle In the fighting at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, Sheridan sustained 625 casualties while Confederate losses are estimated at around 175 as well as 300 captured. Having upheld his pledge to defeat Stuart, Sheridan continued south after the battle and reached the northern defenses of Richmond that evening. Assessing the weakness of the lines around the Confederate capital, he concluded that though he could probably take the city, he lacked the resources to hold it. Instead, Sheridan wheeled his command east and crossed the Chickahominy River before proceeding to unite with Major General Benjamin Butlers forces at Haxalls Landing. Resting and refitting for four days, the Union cavalry then rode north to rejoin the Army of the Potomac. Sources Encyclopedia Virginia: Battle of Yellow TavernCWSAC: Battle of Yellow TavernHistoryNet: Battle of Yellow Tavern
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Finance 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Finance 4 - Essay Example For the size of the area and the number of consumers, Its more easier to establish a market at the least cost. Not just the consumers, In Japan the well equipped and advanced cheap labour force with valuable expertise helps in controlling the production costs hence by gaining more profits which is practically not possible in the United States of America where the labour cost in enormous. The high Japanese GDP shows the technological and economic standard of the country which surely can attract American industry to set up its business. As the facts can be considered, the Japanese market constitutes to 75% of the entire Asiatic market and thus controls the Asiatic market. The high rate of saving in Japan allows the people in Japan to purchase goods if he likes even at a higher price as he/she will have the financial assets. A well-organized infrastructure in the fields of commodity distribution and information and communication; and a good business environment with improved laws and sy stems is an added advantage for the American companies. The Communication advancements and the connectivity by all the 3 modes such as Air, water and land make Japan a favourite FDI place for Americans. The currency exchange rates tempt America the most for them to invest in Japan, The exchange rate being 108.180 Japanese Yen for one US Dollar according to www.xe.com. The inflation also accounts to -.06% so its more reasonable for the company to produce the products in an economical way. Other than that, the Japanese External Trade Organisation called JETRO assists Individual investor with the meetings, laws who is specialised in the international investments and taxations. JETRO also provides free use of private office for a period of maximum 2 months for private bodies and a maximum of 6 months for public bodies. Japan also provides 30% depreciation rate or a tax credit of 7% up to 20% of the corporate tax liability for the purchase of certain machinery and equipments.
Friday, November 1, 2019
The feasibility of electric car policy in England's tourism industry Essay
The feasibility of electric car policy in England's tourism industry - Essay Example Many factors are said to affect England’s tourism industry and they specifically are integral parts of the business environment such as political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental concerns. One of the most important issues it needs to face is the prevailing government concern on global warming or climate change. As mandated by the local government, the tourism industry in England has to abide by its political obligation and that includes its role to manage carbon output (Visitengland.org, 2012). This particularly means that the visitor economy should be controlled within certain limit. This has become its great challenge especially that it tries to create the visiting experience appealing to its visitors. England’s tourism industry’s survival relies on the maximisation of the numbers of visitors. However, due to critical consideration of its production of environmental hazards, England finally decided to limit the number of its visitors ev ery year. This substantially would indeed be a challenge to England’s economy. After all, tourism in the British economy is able to provide around 1,000,000 jobs (Ritchie and Adair, 2004). Furthermore, it contributes 4% of UK’s gross domestic product (Hiles, 2011). This would mean a lot to England’s economy. The aim of this research is to come up with effective strategy for tourism industry in England that will focus on the assessment of the government’s move to limit the visitor economy. There are various options that it needs to consider. In particular, it is important to take a look closely at the feasibility of applying electric-generated vehicles in order to ensure adhering to political commitment in the local and national management of carbon... It is the main concern of the following paper to assess the level of confidence that England investors in the tourism industry have on the government’s electric vehicles policy, most particularly on its amount and terms of support. In knowing this, it would be specifically important to evaluate how much level of confidence the people in England have on the government’s policy making from the point of view of its entire tourism industry. In 2000, around 700 million international tourist arrivals were recorded worldwide and these were considerably assumed to have substantial impacts on the environment. Gossling remarkably considered the investigation of five aspects of the leisure-related alteration of the environment which include changes on land cover and land use, energy consumption and its impact, extinction of wild species and biota exchange, dispersion of diseases and psychological consequences of travel. This study has remarkably shown that the energy consumption t ogether with its impact was a significant highlight of the country’s entire business environment. Thus, this can also be intertwined with the prevailing political consideration of the Tourism Industry in England, which associates the significant impacts of carbon dioxide emission. The amount of carbon emitted in the atmosphere is so massive, making the UK government to substantially control it at its best possible way.
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